Lev Vygotsky (bio)
1896-1934*russian psychologist*critic of Piaget's perspective*ideas did not become popular in the U.S. until the 1970's
What two main ideas was Vygotskys work based on?
1) intellectual development can only be understand by looking at the historical and cultural contexts2) Developement depends on the sign systems(cognitive tools) each individual grows up w/ -language, writing system, counting etc.

In contrast to Piaget, Vygotsky believed that cognitive development is linked to...
input from others
Vygotsky 3 major assumptions:
1) complex mental processes being as mental soical activities then, as children develop thet internalize these processes and use them independently 2) children's development can be gauged by assessing what they can do alone w/o assistance and what they can do w/ assistance3) children can perform more challenging tasks when assised by more competent individuals
*involves the acquisition of signs from instruction and from othersinternalizing the signs so one can think and solve probelms w/o help from others
Vygotsky believed that Learning PRECEDES
PRECEDES development
Development occurs when
1. Emergence of Private Speech*early years, thinking occurs independently of language*when lauguage appears, its used first for communication as opposed to thought.2.

Zone of Proximal Development *learning takes place when children are working in their ZPD*goal is to move children to completing tasks3. Scaffolding*want to provide a child w/ a lot of support in the beginning stages of learning something and then have the child take more responsibilty when they are able4. Cooperative Learning

Private Speech
*talking outlout to oneself*self talk which guides thinking and actions
Zone of Proximal Development
sociocultural means of learningtask are those the child cannot yet do alone, but can with assistance
assistance given by a more competent peer or adult
Cooperative Learning
children work together to help each other learn*provide models of more slightly advanced thinking*now is one of the most researched and most used educational innovations
Only activities that fall within the zone of proximal development...
can be learned