latent learning
Learning that occurs but is not apparent until there is an incentive to demonstrate it.
latent learning example
when growing up, kids see their parents sort and do laundry but never do their own, when they get to colloege kids already know how to do laundry but didn't do it until they had to aka when they got to college
insight learning
The process of learning how to solve a problem or do something new by applying what is already known., reasoning; when an animal applies something it has already learned to a new situation without a period of trial and error
insight learning example
person arrives at solution to problem after thinking from different angle
observational learning
A type of learning that occurs when an organism's responding is influenced by the observation of others, who are called models.

observational learning example
child imitates older sibling
males & females
Bandura's research found that among children who observed the aggressive model: ___ were more likely to imitate a male model and _____ were more likely to imitate a female model.
females & males
Bandura's research found that among children who observed the aggressive model: both genders were more likely to imitate verbally aggressive behaviors of the model to a similar degree but ___ were LESS likely than ___ to imitate physically aggressive behaviors.
Observational learning processes
Attentional processes, retention processes, production processes, motivational processes are all _____
Attentional processes
The learner attends to and accurately perceives the modeled behavior.
Retention processes
Retaining or remembering the model's behavior so that we can imitate or repeat it at a later time
Retention processes example
taking notes during a lecture or a video of someone driving a car
Attentional processes example
staying awake and attending in drivers ed class
Production processes Example
Getting into a car with an instructor to practice driving
Motivational processes example
if a soap opera character does not use a condom, the story line might have him acquiring a sexually transmitted disease. The reward/punishment factors are important in bringing the audience's attention to the behaviors.

The vicarious observation of the consequences of the behavior in turn increases the observational learning experience

Production processes
Translating the mental images or verbal symbolic representations of the model's behavior into our own over behavior by physically producing the responses and receiving feedback on the accuracy of our continued practice
Motivational processes
in Bandura's theory of vicarious learning, the expectation that a modeled behavior will be reinforced (else they will not perform it)
Model characteristics
observers are more likely to imitate a model when the model is high in status, prestige or expertise. The model is similar to the observer (age and gender). The model's behavior is visible, salient and relevant to the observer's needs and goals. the model has been reinforced for engaging in the behavior.

guided participation
in sociocultural theory, a technique in which skilled mentors help novices learn not only by providing instruction but also by allowing direct, shared involvement in the activity.
Self efficacy
Refers to one's belief about one's ability to perform behaviors that should lead to expected outcomes. Those with high levels for a particular task are more likely to succeed than those with low levels
reciprocal determinism
Bandura's model in which cognitions, behaviors, and environmental factors both influence and are influenced by each other
Learned helplessness
condition in which repeated attempts to control a situation fail, resulting in the belief that the situation is uncontrollable
attributional reformulation
attributes are your explanations for events - internal/external, stable/unstable, global/specific - making ISG attributions are more likely to be depressed; developed by abramson, seligman, teasdale