a permanent change in behavior acquired through experience.

making an association between an event and something positive or negative by repeated exposure.
Classical Conditioning
learning by association(not by choice): method of learning in which associations are made between a natural stimulus and a neutral stimulus.
Operant Conditioning
learning by consequences. ex: if you touch a razor you learn not to touch it again.
Pavlov's Dog
If you teach your dog that when a bell rings he will get feed, every time the bell rings it causes salivation and it is now a learned behavior (conditioned response) that whenever the bell rings he will get feed.
"Little Albert"
Watson experiments with the baby and uses emotional conditioning.

He puts rats in the room and when Albert goes to touch one he makes a really loud noise. Albert then gets scared when ever one comes near him.

Emotional Conditioning
You can condition a baby to be scared of anything. ex:baby albert.
Stimulus Generalization
the fear can be extended to any similar object or situation.

ex: Albert is scared of rabbits and dogs to not just rat.

something that follows a response and strengthens the tendency to repeat that response. -strengthen and repeat it not stop it.
Primary Reinforcement
something that satisfies basic biological needs or drives, such as food, water, sleep, relief from pain, oxygen, sexual stimulation.
Secondary Reinforcement
anything that has been "learned" to represent a primary reinforcement, such as money $$$.

Positive reinforcement
something pleasant occurs when an action is preformed, STRENGTHENING the tendency to repeat it. ex: praise (good job!!), money
negative reinforcement
something unpleasant is stopped if an act is preformed, STRENGTHENING the tendency to repeat it.
the process of WEAKENING a response by following it with unpleasant consequences. ex:nagging
process of learning that involves the reinforcement of increasingly closer approximations of the desired response. ex: tells dog to get the paper and when it does give it a treat.
schedules of reinforcement
continuous schedule and partial schedule.

Fixed Ratio
fixed based on action ex: every 5th car you sell you can get paid-gonna work and sell more so you can get paid.
Variable Ratio
variable based on action. never know what is coming. ex:slot machines machines
Fixed Interval
fixed based on time. ex: payday at work.
Variable Interval
variable based on time.

Ex: fishing never know when it will come.

Observational Learning
all learning that takes place in a social situation- it is a form of imitation.
Cognitive Learning
cognition refers to "knowledge using" or "thought processing". it is learning that occurs with out the opportunity of 1st performing the learned response or being reinforced for it. - learning based on abstract mental processes and previous knowledge.

Insight Learning
process of mentally working through a problem until the sudden realization of a solution. ex: putting water in pipe to get peanut to come up.
Cognitive maps
a mental representation of an area that helps an organism navigate its way from one point to another. Ex: bees do waggle dance to communicate sugar locations.

the unique pattern of thought, feelings, and behavior by which each person reacts to the external world.
theory of personality that holds that personality and behavior are shaped by unconscious forces and conflicts.
internal energy that continuously seeks discharge- conflicting energy created between conscious and unconscious.
(devil on shoulder)-storehouse of all ones instincts and passions, buried deep w/in ones unconsciousness.
Pleasure principle
demands immediate satisfaction no matter the costs.

absorbs social values, determines right and wrong, and produces feelings of guilt.
Morality Principle
(angel on shoulder)- demands rigid following of societal rules.
one's conscious mind, the moderator between id and super-ego.
reality principle
provides pleasure with in the norms of society.

Oedipus Complex
boys become sexually attracted to mother and jealous of fathers. To get mother attention- act like dad=male persona develops.
Electra Complex
girls become sexually attracted to dad and jealous of mothers. To get fathers attention-act like mom= female persona develops.
Collective Unconscious
ideas and images shared among humans passed down.
inherited universal concepts ex:God.
mask ppl wear to hide who they are.