a relatively permanent change in an organisms behavior due to experience
associative learning
leaning that certain events occur together
the process of leaning associations
the cause or modifier of a behavior
the reaction to a stimulus
classical conditioning
learning when a previously neutral stimulus becomes associated with the natural cause of a behavior and creates a similar or related response stimulus --> behavior *behaviors stay the same, stimuli change*
operant conditioning
associating a response and its consequence to repeat or stop behaviors
unconditioned stimulus
any natural stimulus that causes a reflexive behavior
unconditioned response
the automatic behavior to a stimulus
conditioned stimulus
a previously neutral stimulus that through acquisition, causes a learned response behavior
conditioned response
learned behavior developed in association with a conditioned stimulus
the stage in classical conditioning when a neutral stimulus begins to be associated with an unconditioned stimulus so that it triggers a conditioned response
gradual erosion of conditioned behaviors due to dissociating of the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus
spontaneous recovery
sudden reappearance of a previously extinguished conditioned response that is displayed after extinction
conditioned responses that are triggered not only by the conditioned stimulus but also by stimuli that resemble the conditioned stimulus white rat... crying cotton balls.

.. crying

behavioral changes that result from a between new stimuli that are otherwise similir to the conditioned stimulus
false and irrational associations of stimuli conditioned through coincidence
taste aversion
a learned (conditioned) avoidance of food; typically only require one acquisition to develop
irrational fears that often develop as a result of exaggerated conditioned learning; most are associative
flooding method, systematic desensitization, counter conditioning
types of phobia therapy
flooding method
exposure to overwhelming amounts of the fear provoking stimulus
systematic desensitization
gradual exposure to progressive increments of the fear provoking stimulus in conjunction with relaxing techniques
substituting the fearful stimulus with a more appealing conditioned stimulus so that the phobic response is neutralized, or counteracted *JOHN WATSON*
behavioral modifiers
actions associated with behaviors to initiate or stop them
anything to make a behavior repeat
anything to stop a behavior
anything added
anything taken away
Pavlov: classical :: Thorndike: operant
________:classical::_______: operant
Law of Effect
learning by trial or error; created by thorndike
1st: can you do it? 2nd: is there improvement? 3rd: is there a dramatic improvement?
Learning Curve
Premack Principle
incentive based learning to change undesirable behaviors; rewards only; most effective when rewards given after behavior change
continuous reinforcement
applying a reinforcement upon the completion of every display of conditioned behavior
partial reinforcement
behavior isn't reinforced every time, but is enforced regularly enough so that a conditioned behavior develops
a schedule based upon an amount of behaviors
a schedule based upon the passage of time
a predictable schedule
an unpredictable schedule
technique of instructing complex behaviors by breaking them down into smaller components and applying reinforcement after each step
latent learning
learned behaviors that develop with no direct reinforcement and only tend to appear out of necesity *not knowing you actually know something, because you weren't tested on it*
sudden flash of understanding and solving abilities
observational learning; mokey-see, monkey-do
Ivan Pavlov
classical conditioning "Dog saliva" - conditioned response experiments
John Watson
Classical Conditioning "Little Albert Einstein" - phobias, generalization, & extinction first real american psychologist
Edward Thorndike
operant conditioning "law of effect" & "learning curve" - ONLY rewards
David Premack
operant conditioning "premack principle" - ONLY rewards
BF Skinner
operant conditioning "skinner boxes" - reinforcements and punishments
Edward Tolman
social learning cognitive mapping with "mouse mazes" - latent learning
Wolfgang Kohler
social learning "chimpanzee experiments" - insight
Albert Bandura
social learning "Bobo Doll Experiment" - modeling