Abraham Lincoln
16th President of the United States saved the Union during the Civil War and emancipated the slaves; was assassinated by Booth (1809-1865)
Jefferson Davis
Confederate President.An American statesman and politician who served as President of the Confederate States of America for its entire history from 1861 to 1865.
Thomas Stonewall Jackson
Confederate general whose men stopped Union assault during the Battle of Bull Run
Robert E Lee
Commander of the Confederate Army. A General for the confederates, fought many battles. One of his main plans towards the end of the civil war was to wait for a new president to come into office to make peace with. Fought Peninsular Campaign, 2nd battle of Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville (with Jackson), and Gettysburg.
Ulysses .s Grant
an American general and the eighteenth President of the United States (1869-1877). He achieved international fame as the leading Union general in the American Civil War.
George B McClellan
American army general put in charge of union troops and later removed by Lincoln for failure to press lees confederates troops in Richmond
Clara Barton
Launched the American Red Cross in 1881. An "angel" in the Civil War, she treated the wounded in the field.
William Tecumseh Sherman
2nd most important Union General who introduced total war in "the march to the sea." He destroyed crops, towns, and farms everywhere he went.
John Wilkes Booth
Abraham Lincoln's assasin
Andrew Johnson
17th President of the United States, A Southerner form Tennessee, as V.P. when Lincoln was killed, he became president. He opposed radical Republicans who passed Reconstruction Acts over his veto. The first U.S. president to be impeached, he survived the Senate removal by only one vote. He was a very weak president.
Crittenden Compromise
A last-ditch effort to resolve the secession crisis by compromise. It proposed to bar the government from intervening in the states' decision of slavery, to restore the Missouri Compromise, and to guarantee protection of slavery below the line. Lincoln rejected the proposal, causing the gateway to bloodshed to be open.
Anaconda plan
Union war plan by Winfield Scott, called for blockade of southern coast, capture of Richmond, capture Mississippi R, and to take an army through heart of south
Fort Sumter
Lincoln sent supplies to them but didn't arrive before the confederate soldiers opened fire on the fort
First Battle of Bull Run
(1861) the first major battle of the Civil War, resulting in a Confederate victory; showed that the Civil War would not be won easily
McClellan's Peninsular Campaign
the American Civil War was a major Union operation launched in southeastern Virginia from March through July 1862, the first large-scale offensive in the Eastern Theater
Battle of Shiloh
Confederate forces surprised union troops & drove them across the Tennessee river; union got backup and won the battle but it was one of the most bloody battles in the civil war
Battle of Antietam
Civil War battle in which the North succeeded in halting Lee's Confederate forces in Maryland. Was the bloodiest battle of the war resulting in 25,000 casualties
Emancipation proclamation
(1862) an order issued by President Abraham Lincoln freeing the slaves in areas rebelling against the Union; took effect January 1, 1863
54th Massachusetts regiment
First African American Regimen, successfully defended Fort Wagner
Military draft
Habeas corpus
An order to produce an arrested person before a judge
A group of northern Democrats who opposed abolition and sympathized with the South during the Civil War
Siege of Vicksburg
1863 Union army's blockade of Vicksburg, Mississippi, that led the city to surrender during the Civil War
War of attrition
A war based on wearing the other side down by constant attacks and heavy losses
Battle of Gettysburg
Turning point of the War that made it clear the North would win. 50,000 people died, and the South lost its chance to invade the North.
Sherman's march to the sea
during the civil war, a devastating total war military campaign, led by union general William Tecumseh Sherman, that involved marching 60,000 union troops through Georgia from Atlanta to Savannah and destroying everything along there way.
Total war
A conflict in which the participating countries devote all their resources to the war effort.
Appomattox Courthouse
A town in Virginia where Lee surrendered what was left of his forces. Nine days later, near Durham, North Carolina, Johnston surrendered to Sherman.
13th amendment
Abolish slavery
the period after the Civil War in the United States when the southern states were reorganized and reintegrated into the Union
Black code
Any code of law that defined and especially limited the rights of former slaves after the Civil War.
After the Civil War former landowners "rented" plots of land to blacks and poor whites in such a way that the renters were always in debt and therefore tied to the land.
A northerner who went to the South immediately after the Civil War; especially one who tried to gain political advantage or other advantages from the disorganized situation in southern states;
A derogatory term for Southerners who were working with the North to buy up land from desperate Southerners, southern whites who supported republican policy through reconstruction
Freemen's Bureau
A group that fought for the rights of African-Americans
14th amendment
declared that all persons born in the US were citizenship, that all citizens were entitled to equal rights and their rights were protected by due process
15th amendment
Citizens cannot be denied the right to vote because of race, color , or precious condition of servitude
Ku Klux klan
A secret society created by white southerners in 1866 that used terror and violence to keep African Americans from obtaining their civil rights