In which hemisphere is Asia mostly located?
Eastern Hemisphere
Which calendar first divided dates into two categories, B.C. and A.D.?
Gregorian calendar
Which of the following is NOT touched by the Mediterranean Sea?
South America
Most ancient people tended to be
Anatolia is an ancient name for
Advanced farming techniques allowed for a surplus of food, which led to the emergence of a(n) ______________ class.
The_______________ are currently known as the world's oldest civilization.
Which of the following had the most influence in the transition from wandering tribes to the emergence of cities?
What is the geographic term for a plant and animal community covering a large land area?
Soil is primarily made of minerals from the weathering of
Which of the following biomes is a byproduct of human-environment interaction in the form of overfarming?
______________ happens when nutrients are transported away from the top soil. In dry climates, wind erosion can blow it away, and in wet climates, like tropical rainforests, rainfall can wash it away.
What is the most complex ecosystem in the world?
Waves crash against the shores of an island, creating beaches and gullies. In this scenario, what is the primary landform and what is the secondary landform?
primary landform: island, secondary landform: beach and gully
What is the difference between a food chain and a food web?
A food chain shows a direct relationship; a food web shows a complex relationship.
The different plants that replace earlier varieties in the wake of a brush fire is an example of
plant succession.
A plant using the sun the grow leaves, this is an example of
A community of living things together with their environment is a(n)
_______________ was the respected teacher of Alexander the Great.
What was the main religion of the Persian Empire?
Which Greek city-state was a particularly vocal supporter of the rebellion against Persia?
How did the Peloponnesian War differ from the Persian War?
the Peloponnesian War was more of a civil war
Which of the following gave Sparta details of an Athenian expedition during the Peloponnesian War?
Which of the following was characteristic of the Greek city-state Athens?
religious, but open to secular thought
Which of the following was NOT a major crop produced in Rome?
What was the struggle of the orders?
friction between the plebeians and patricians that at times became violent
Which civilization was the first to establish an urban society on the Italian peninsula?
the Etruscans
Which historical era was marked the beginnings of European explorations?
Early Modern Era
Which of the following best explains why we traditionally categorize the world according to Eastern and Western hemispheres?
The lines of trade formed east-west
Water mixing with carbon dioxide from the air and changing the properties of limestone is an example of:
Chemical Weathering
The dust bowl is an example of:
Wind erosion
The Grand Canyon is an example of:
Water erosion
A sheet glacier is also known as a __________ glacier
The Punic Wars were fought between
Rome and Carthage.
Pax Romana lasted from the reign of _____________ to ________________.
Augustus Caesar/Marcus Aurelius
In the third century C.E., the Roman emperor ____________ divided the Roman empire into a western half and an eastern half in order to better administer it.
____________ began to fill the power vacuum left behind by the dissolution of the Roman Empire in the west.
Which American civilization was on the rise while the Gupta Empire was losing control in India, China was in an intermediate period after the fall of the Han Dynasty, and Justinian was ruling the Byzantine Empire?
Who compiled the laws of the Roman Empire into easy-to-understand codes?
What effect did a drop in population have on the Roman Empire?
a weakened military
What event began to bring western Europe out of the Dark Ages?
the Crusades
Which of the following is NOT a synonym for the 'Dark Ages'?
classical period
The system of feudalism served as all of the following EXCEPT as a
system of social equality.
Which of the following accurately lists transitions in western Europe in the order in which they happened?
the decline of the Roman Empire -> the emergence of the feudal system -> the Crusades -> the emergence of towns and a middle class
When was the period of greatest ignorance in Western Europe?
850-1000 C.E.
Some historians view the Middle Ages in a more positive light, as a(n)
age of faith.
Of the following positions, who ranked highest in the hierarchy of the medieval church?
The crusades were a series of _________ military campaigns that took place over nearly two hundred years, which varied in strength and success, fought against the ___________ of Southwest Asia for control of __________.
The schism in the west was a dispute about the authority of __________ within the Roman Catholic Church.
the Pope
Where did the European Renaissance begin?
Italian peninsula
Secular art primarily focuses on
worldly or temporal themes.
Who painted "The Last Supper"?
Leonardo da Vinci
The core of the humanist message was focused on
human achievement.
Who created the sculpture David?
Michelangelo Buonarroti
How did geography help prevent the spread of the plague?
Colder climates were not as affected.
Who spread the Black Death throughout China?
Which of the following was a rumor spread about the Black Death?
Jews were to blame for the virus.
Which of the following helped spread the plague?
Who controlled much of the spice trade during the early 1400s?
Italian and Muslim merchants
Which of the following explorers stirred interest in the Silk Road?
Marco Polo
Which Portuguese explorer achieved the goal of sailing around the southern tip of Africa?
Bartholomeu Dias
Which European nations led the way in the Age of Exploration?
Spain and Portugal
Which movement claimed that salvation came through faith and good works, and that while the Bible was a major source for religious truth, it was not the only source?
Catholic Reformation
Many kings and rulers used the Reformation as a way to
strengthen their own political authority.
Which two people were at the forefront in calling for change during the Reformation?
John Calvin/Martin Luther
The doctrine "Justification by Faith" would most support which of the following?
people relying on faith alone
Why was Copernicus' Heliocentric model rejected?
It contradicted the church.
When did the European scientific revolution begin?
mid 1500's
Who wrote The Social Contract?
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
What was Apartheid, where did it take place, and how did it end?
A system of segregation that the government of South Africa created and it ended with violent protests.
What happened to African countries when Europe colonized and what happened when Europeans left?
Europeans forced Africans into slavery and treated them poorly and once the Europeans left many tribes started wars with other tribes or groups.
Why were foreigners unable to observe the center of Africa?
The Sahara was so vast nobody could make it past to get to the middle of Africa.
Which of the following represents a difference between how emperors were chosen during the Roman Empire and how leaders were chosen in Western Europe during the Middle Ages?
In medieval times, people believed that rulers derived their authority from God.
How did the labor shortage caused by the plague affect the economies of western Europe?
It helped create a middle class.
Of the following ships, which was the most suited for inland exploration?
The Reformation was a reform movement and a turning point for the church. It began with a debate over how the _________ should be involved in spiritual Christian faith.
Which of the following is a characteristic of the economic theory of mercantilism?
Exports should be encouraged over imports.
Which event may have had the largest effect on political thinkers of the Enlightenment?
the English Revolution