white man's burden
belief that Europeans had a moral responsibility to civilize primitive peoples
characterized as having vitality or being a "universal man"
state should not regulate the economy
legislative assembly created by Czar Nicholas II in Russia
Triple Entente
alliance between Great Britain, Russia, and France in 1907
Woodrow Wilson
the spokesperson for a new world order based on democracy and international cooperation
Iraq and Palestine
ruled by Great Britain as mandates on behalf of the League of Nations
Battle of Midway Island
turning point of war in the Pacific
the Holocaust
slaughter of European civilians, particularly European Jews, by the Nazis
Treaty of Versailles
treaty signed with Germany that was considered a harsh peace
remained independent of Soviet control although it was a Communist nation
Balfour Declaration
stated Britain's intention to make Palestine the national home of the Jews
Enabling Act
gave the government in Germany the power to ignore the constitution for 4 years
Liberia & Ethiopia
only free states in Africa by 1914
the Central Powers
Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Germany, and the Ottoman Empire
Black Hand
conspired to assassinate Archduke Francis Ferdinand
Ethnic cleansing
deliberate mass murder of particular racial, political, or cultural group
Council for Mutual Assistance
Soviet Union's response to Marshall Plan
Tennis Court Oath
French National Assembly swore they'd continue to meet until they had produced a Constitution
Brezhnev Doctrine
Soviet Union had right to intervene if communism was threatened in another Communist nation
the Civil Code
most important of the seven legal codes established by Napoleon
large supply of bullion and determined a nation's prosperity
Nicolas Copernicus
sun, not earth, was center of universe
Schlieffen Plan
Germany's plan for a two-front war with Russia and France
totalitarian state
government aims to control political, economic, social, intellectual, and cultural lives of its citizens
John Hay
proposed Open Door policy for China
Dawes Plan
reduced Germany's reparations debt
checks and balances
Rousseau's social contract
entire society agrees to be governed by its general will
principle of legitimacy
lawful monarchs from royal families that had ruled before Napoleon would be restored to power
cotton cloth
one of first industries to be affected by Industrial Revolution
based on belief that the satisfaction of reasonable demands would maintain peace in Europe
government in which a select few exercise control
working class
Triple Alliance
secret alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy in 1882
aggressive preparation for war
form of attack that used tank divisions supported by air attacks
spheres of influence
European traders dealt directly with Chinese warlords for exclusive trading rights and barred others from trading in that region
Nuremberg Laws
excluded Jews from German citizenship and forbade marriages between Jews and Germans
Constitutional Convention
meeting to revise the Articles of Confederation
Five Year Plans
it's purpose was to transform the USSR from an agricultural into an industrial economy
Committee of Public Safety
purpose was to defend France from threats
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
equal rights for all men, but no political rights for women
John Locke
his ideas can be found in the Declaration of Independence
Truman Doctrine
U.S. would provide money to nations threatened by Communist expansion
Mohandas Gandhi
set a nonviolent movement with the aim to force the British to aid the poor and grant independence to India
Cold War
period of political tension following World War II
Sun Yat-sen
founded Revive China Society and Nationalist Party
Mao Zedong
led People's Liberation Army on Long March; leader of later Communist party
Yalta Conference
agreed to establishment of United Nations organization after the war
heavenly bodies composed of material substance, not pure orbs of light
Battle of Stalingrad
entire German Sixth Army lost in a crushing defeat to the Soviets
a country's prosperity depended on how much gold/silver they had; dominated economic thought in 17th century
Warsaw Pact
military alliance between Soviet Union and various Eastern European nations
Crimean War
effect was that it destroyed the Concert of Europe
Marshall Plan
restore economic stability of European nations after WW2
Labor system (factory)
regular hours for workers doing same thing over and over
Article 231
the War-Guilt Clause: Germany and Austria responsible for starting the war
direct rule
local elites removed from power and replaced with new set of officials from mother country
area in northwestern Czechoslovakia Hitler demanded prior to WW2
Catholic & Protestant
the two factions that resulted from the Protestant Reformation
Renaissance characterized by an intensification of this
converted to Islam and trained as foot soldiers to serve the sultan
Gunpowder Empires
formed by outside conquerors who unified the regions they conquered
considered a status symbol in Qing society by Chinese women
completed restoration of central authority in Japan in early 1600s
Neolithic Revolution
shift from hunting and gathering to raising animals and growing food
commercial capitalism
investing for purpose of profiting
considered an act of war in 1914
total war
complete mobilization of resources and people in a war