Causes of the french revolution
•american revolution •enlightment ideas •divisons •economic problems
Age of reason
Louis XVI
He was the king at the start of the French Revolution; he was weak and indecisive
Marie antoinette
Queen of France wife of Louis XVI she was against reforms
Declaration of the rights of man
Was modeled in part on the American Declaration of Independence, protects the natural rights of citizens
Reign of terror
•Robespierre was one of the chief architects • Reign of terror lasted from September 1793 to July 1794
Napoleon Bonaparte
Overthrew the directory, failed to defeat Great Britain, was abdicated in 1814, returned power in 1815 but was defeated and put into exile
Napoleonic code
It embodied enlightenment principles such as inequality of all citizens before the law, religious toleration, and the abolition of feudalism
Invasion of Russia- Napoleons fall
Effects of the French Revolution
Miguel Hidalgo
A creole priest in Mexico, he raised his voice for freedom
Mexico's independence
Mexican-American war
South Americas independence
Simon bolivar
Revolution of 1830
Revolution of 1848
Much discontent, radicals formed secret societies and liberals denounced Louis philippes government corruption
Britain's advantages in the industrial revolution
Industrial revolution
Inventions made in the industrial revolution
Coal- came in vast quantities and burned better than wood charcoal Flying shuttle-enabled weavers to work so fast that they soon outpaced spinners Spinning Jenny- spun so many threads at a time Cotton gin- separated the seeds from the cotton Railroads-made transportation faster Bessemer process-mass production of steel from molten pig iron Electricity-brought Leigh everywhere Antiseptic-reduced possibility of infection and allowed population growth
Movement of people to cities
Perfect society there is no difference between rich and poor
Karl Marx
Communism;classless society
Communist manifesto
Political and economic ideologies
Labor unions
Workers organization; work to improve conditions
Charles Darwin and evolution
Believed in evolution and natural selection; wanted to decrease population
Unification of italy
Camillo de Cavour
Victor Emanuel II
Unification of Germany
Otto Von Bismarck
William I
Franco-Prussian war
William II
Decline of the Austrian empire
Decline of the Ottoman Empire
Decline of the imperial Russia
Napoleon III
Anti Semitism in Europe