Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson
- Wrote the Declaration of Independence - Wrote the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom
Daughter of Chief Powhatan Believed the English and American Indians could live in harmony Began a friendship with the colonists that helped them survive
James Madison
- Kept detailed notes during the Constitutional Convention - Believed in the importance of having a US Constitution - Had great skills of compromise - Known as the "Father of the Constitution"
Patrick Henry
Patrick Henry
- "Give me liberty or give me death" - Inspired patriots from other colonies when he spoke out against taxation without representation
Maggie Lena Walker
Maggie Lena Walker
-First African American woman to become a bank president in the United States -First woman to become a bank president
John Smith
John Smith
Provided strong leadership in Jamestown - He started a forced work program that helped ensure survival - Initiated trading relationships with the Powhatans.
George Mason
George Mason
Wrote the Virginia Declaration of Rights
Harry S. Byrd, Sr.
Harry S. Byrd, Sr.
-Led Massive Resistance Movement against integration of public schools -As governor he was known for his "pay as you go" policy for road improvements -He modernized Virginia's state government
Robert E. Lee
Robert E. Lee
-Commander of the Army of Northern Virginia during the Civil War -Surrendered to Grant at Appomattox Court House -Defeated Union troops at Fredericksburg, VA
Arthur Ashe
Arthur Ashe
-The first African American winner of a major men's tennis singles championship -Author -Eloquent spokesperson for social change
General Thomas Stonewall Jackson
General Thomas Stonewall Jackson
-Played a major role in the first Battle of Bull Run (or Manassas), where he got his nickname "Stonewall" -Confederate Army General in the Civil War
General Ulysses S. Grant
General Ulysses S. Grant
-Defeated the Confederate Army by taking Richmond, which was burned near the end of the war. -Accepted Robert E. Lee's surrender at Appomattox Court House, ending the Civil War
Nat Turner
Nat Turner
Led a revolt against plantation owners
L. Douglas Wilder
L. Douglas Wilder
-Former governor of Virginia -First African American to be elected a state governor in the United States
John Brown
John Brown
Led a raid on the United States Armory (Arsenal) at Harper's Ferry He was trying to start a slave rebellion He was captured and hanged
George Washington
George Washington
-Provided military leadership by serving as Commander in Chief of the Continental Army -First US President -"Father of our Country" -Strong leader
James Armistead
James Armistead
-A slave from Virginia -Served in the Continental Army -Was given his freedom after the war
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln
-Became president of the United States in 1860. -Some southern states seceded after he was elected -During the Civil War, he used the Union Navy to blockade southern ports
Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman
-Established a secret route that escaped slaves took -It became known as the "Underground Railroad"
Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus
He called the people he found in the lands he discovered "Indians" because he thought he was in the Indies, near China
Native American -Chief of many tribes -Provided leadership to his people and taught the settlers survival skills
Woodrow Wilson
Woodrow Wilson
-20th Century president -Wrote a plan for world peace
Jack Jouett
Jack Jouett
Rode on horseback through the backwoods of Virginia to Charlottesville to warn Thomas Jefferson, then governor of Virginia, that the British were coming to arrest him and members of the General Assembly.
George Marshall
George Marshall
-Military leader during the 20th century -Created an economic plan to ensure world peace
Oliver Hill
Oliver Hill
-Lawyer and civil rights leader -Worked for equal rights of African Americans -Played a key role in the Brown v. Board of Education decision
A. Linwood Holton
A. Linwood Holton
-Governor of Virginia -Promoted racial equality -Appointed more African Americans and women to positions in state government than previous governors