George Kennan
man who develops the idea of containment
implememted in 1947 the idea the Soviet expansion could be checked "in the face of superior force"
domino theory
if Greece fell into the hands of leftist rebels, confusion and disorder would plague the middle east and threaten europan stability
trueman doctorine
the US would support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugatino by armed minorities or outside pressure
marshall plan
US gives 13 billion to restore the economies of 16 european nations
national security council
formed becuase of second component of US defense strategy to beef up its conventional military power, it advised the president, made womens military branches permanent, and increased defense expenditures
GI bill
provided job training, education, unemployment compensation, and low interest loans to veterans
Taft-Hartley Act
reduced the power of unions and making it more difficult to organize workers
term synnamous with the anti-communist crusafe
executive order 9835
established loyalty review boards to investigate federal employees; hundreds of employees were fired or resigned over accusations of disloyalty
house un-american activities
investigated government employees and the movie industry
38th parallel
division between north and south korea
Eisenhower Doctorine
US would actively combat communism in Middle East
national defense education act
provided assistance for students in math, science, and foreign languages
federal housing administration
government subsidzed home ownership with low interest mortgage guarantees
Economic Oportunity act of 1964
authorized 10 programs, including head start and the Job Corps
Community Action Program
required "maximum feasible participation" of the poor themselves in antipoverty programs and spurred organizing by the poor in order to take control of their neighborhoods
higher education act of 1965
equippd the poor with the skills neessary to find jobs
title 7 of civil riths act
outlawed job discrimination against women,
voting rights act
empowered the federal government to intevene directly to enable African Americans to register to vote
civil rights act of 1968
banned racial discrimination in housing, jury selection and authorized federal intervention when states failed to protect civil rights workers from violence
trail of broken traties
caravan to the nation's capital in 1972, when some activists took over the bureau of indian affairs to express their outrage on the bureau's policies
students for a democratic society
mobilized around the goals of civil rights, peace, and universal economic security
focused on equal treatment for women in the public sphere wanting to integrate them into the public sphere
alliance for progress
Kennedy promised 20 billion in aid for latin america over 10 years
tet offensive
north vietnam and the vietkong attacked key cities and American base in South Vietnam
nations first president to set foot on chineese soil
national energy act of 1978
penalized gas guzzling cars and provided incentivees for conservation and alternative fuels
carter doctorine
threatening the use of any means necessary to prevent an outside force from ganing control of the persian gulf
supply side economics
held that cutting taxes would actually increase revune
economic recovery tax act
largest tax reduction in US history
civil rights restoration act
banned organizations that practiced discriminatino on the basis of race, color, national orgin, sex, disability, or age from recieving government funds
strategic defense initiative
proposed to deploy lasers in space to destroy enemy missiles before they could reach their tagets on earth
INF agreement
eliminating all short and medium range missiles from rueopw and provided for onsite inspections for the first time
operation desert storm
forty air war against Iraq, bombing military targets, power plants, oil refineries, and transportation networks
produces the strongest third party finish since 1912 in the election of 91 with clinton and hw bush
General Agreemenr ong Tarriffs and Trade GATT
establishes the WTO
enforces tariff reductions and the eliminatino of import quotas among 135 member nations
USA Patriot Act
gave governemtn new powers to monitor suspected terrorists and their associates, including the ability to pry personal info