Be able to define the 3 main challenges associated with autism (the 3 domains of symptoms).
• Social communication impairments• Restricted interests/repetitive behaviors
What is the current prevalence of autism for all children, for boys, and for girls?
•1 in 68 children in the U.S.• 1 in 42 boys• 1 in 189 girls
Distinguish between evidence based.

A. Speech and Language Therapy D. Applied Behavior Analysis F. Occupational therapy
Non-evidenced based treatments for autism.
-Biological• Chelation• Hyperbaric oxygen therapy• Miracle Mineral Solution• Special diets (Gluten free)• Vitamin therapy (B-12 shots)-Psychological and Behavioral• Pet therapy• Art therapy• Sensory Integration Therapy• Son Rise Method• Rapid Prompting Method (RPM)• Facilitated Communication
identify the most effective treatment for autism.

Applied behavior analysis • Contrive EO• Vary Sds• Sequence of instruction delivery• Fast pacing• Errorless learning• Transfer stimulus control• Contingent/differential reinforcement
The teacher presents two colors and tells the child "touch blue." Before the child can respond, the teacher moves the blue card closer to the child. This procedure is called
B. Error blocking
Which of the following is NOT one of the main domains of symptoms associated with autism?
B. Fine motor challenges
What is the difference between DTT and NET?
NET is more naturalistic and takes advantage of things the child is interested in
• Discrete trial instruction/teaching (DTI/DTT)• Working 1:1 in distraction free setting• Discrete trials: Small units of instruction• "DTT breaks down the continuous flow of ordinary adult-childinteractions into highly distinctive events that are more easilydiscriminated by the child" - Newsom, 1998, p.


Verbal Behavior (VB) Approach
Teaching procedures based on Skinner's analysis of verbal behavior(Training focus is on the verbal operants as separate functional units)• Specific focus on speaker and listener behavior• Build on child's motivation to encourage language
Natural Environment Teaching/Incidental Teaching (NET/IT)
• Utilizes naturally occurring opportunities to increase l
• Pivotal Response Training (PRT)
• Koegel & Koegel, 2006
Vary SD
Varying the language of instruction delivery• Promotes generalization• Examples include• Imitation: "Do this", "Copy me"• Following instructions: "Clap hands", "Show me clapping"
Task interspersed and massed trials
• Repetition of the same Sd• Similar unlearned tasks at least 3 times
Prompting (and the prompt hierarchies)
- Least-to-most prompting• Increasing assistance• Mainly used for compliance issues- Most-to-least prompting• Physical guidance• Time delay• Stimulus fading
Differential reinforcement
• Correct, independent response• Correct, prompted response• Incorrect response
Errorless learning
• Most-to-least prompting procedure• Decreases/eliminates possibility of making an incorrect response• Maximizes possibility of correct response = More reinforcement• Why is it beneficial?• Minimizes errors• Increases learning opportunities• Decreases likelihood of errors occurring in future• Reduces likelihood of creating incorrect behavioral chains• Increases opportunity for reinforcement = reduces frustration andproblem behavior
• Error Correction: Corrects the error
• Present the instruction (SD)• Error is made• Represent the SD• Immediately prompt the correct response• "Touch the dog" à Child touches cow à "Touch the dog" à Immediate guidance to dog picture
• Transfer trials
• Reduces the risk of prompt dependency• Transfers stimulus control from the prompt to the instruction• Prompted trials followed by unprompted or lesser prompted trial