Who developed DTT?
Ivar Lovaas, mid-1960s
DTT based on who's research?
B.F. Skinner
What is a discrete trial?
1. a single instructional unit lasting between 5-20 seconds or, in detail, a single presentation of and antecedent, response and consequence.2.

breaking complex skills or concepts into small, observable and measurable units of behaviour and teaching them systematically

Components of a Discrete Trial
1. Instruction/SD2. Prompt Sp3. Response R4. Consequence SR+ or error correction5.

Inter-trial interval

Antecedent (Sd) - B - C
the condition present immediately before the learner's response:1. where the trial is taught2. who is providing the instruction3. the instruction4. the materials if any that are present5.

may include a prompt

Errorless teaching approach
prompting learner so that no errors are made
initially minimized and then gradually introduced
A - Behaviour (R) -C
1. Correct without prompt2. Correct with prompt3. Incorrect- no response4. Incorrect- other response
A - B - C (SR+/EC)

Reinforcement to strengthen the response2. Error correction to weaken the incorrect response

Keys to effective reinforcer delivery
1. contingent on the correct response2. immediate delivery (0-2 seconds)3. pair tangible consequences with praise statement concurrently4. a praise statement should label the correct response or sound similar to the instruction used before the response
Massed trials
several consecutive identical presentations of an A-B-C instructional sequence
Discrimination trials
several consecutive presentations of an A-B-C within a similar content area requiring various responses- first test of the learner's discrimination skills
Intermixed trials
- mixed presentations of A-B-C instructional sequences across several different tasks and across content areas- true discrimination skills
Interspersed trials
mixed presentations of A-B-C instructional sequences of mastered or learned responses incorporated with new skills being taught- uses behavioural momentum- simple discrimination skills
Timed trials
- rapid presentations of A-B-C instructional sequences of mastered or learned responses within a common skill or content area- teaching fluency
Benefits of DTT

Allows for many learning opportunities2. Individualization3. Learning is kept simple and clear for the learner4. has resulted in long term benefits for many individuals including increases in IQ, the development of various behavioural repertoires, and a decreased reliance on government funded and professional services.

Limitations of DTT
1. Limited generalization2.

Robotic responding3. Limited opportunity to use newly acquired language skills4. Labour intensive and therefore expensive