Acquisition learning curve
Involves pairing of the conditioned stimulus (cs) and the conditioned (USC); the greater the number of pairings the stronger the conditioned response.
Unconditioned stimulus (uds)
A stimulus that automatically triggers a response. (The water being sprayed on Shawn)
Unconditioned response (ucr)
The naturally occurring response to the USC. (Shawn flinching)
Conditioned stimulus (cs)
A stimulus that has come to elicit a conditioned response.

(The word "can" being said everytime he hits him with water)

Conditioned response (cr)
Learned response to the previously neutral stimulus. (Shawn flinching)
Stimulus generalization
Occurs when a cr results from stimuli that are similar to the cs, even though these stimulus may never been associated with the USC. (The word "car" that sounds like "can")
Stimulus discrimination
Occurs when stimuli similar to the cs do not result in a cr (how Shawn didn't flinch to the other words being said)
Procedure that leads to the gradual weakening and eventual disappearance of the cr (behavior disappearing)
Spontaneous recovery
Occurs when a previously extinguished cr suddenly appears after a period of no training (flinching at the word "can" comes back)
Neutral stimulus
a stimulus that initially produces no response other than focusing attention
Ivan Pavlov
A Russian physiologist primarily known for his work in classical conditioning.
John B. Watson
An american Psychologist. Known for his work in the "Little Albert" experiment
John Garcia
An American psychologist who was noted for his work in taste aversion
technique whereby successive approximations of behavior are reinforced.

Ex) Teaching a dog to catch a frisbee

Organism is required to perform several different behaviors in sequence before receiving the reinforcement Ex) using a vending machine
Positive Reinforcement
Occurs when a behavior is followed by a desired stimulus. Ex) A child picks up a toy and is given a praise
Negative Reinforcement
Occurs when a behavior prevents or removes an aversive stimulus. Ex) A child cleans his room, and his mother stops yelling
Positive Punishment
Occurs when a behavior is followed by an aversive stimulus Ex) After scratching a couch, a cat is sprayed with water
Negative Punishment
Occurs when an appetitive stimulus is prevented or removed following a behavior. Ex) if child grabs her toy from her sibling, her mother denies her access to the TV
Primary Reinforcers
stimuli that we biologically relevant to organisms and are capable of increasing the probability of organisms behaviors towards them Ex) Water/ Food.

...Treat given to a dog

Secondary Reinforcers
Has taken on the reinforcing properties of a primary reinforce by being associated with it. Ex) money.

..tokens earned for good behavior

Continuous Reinforcement
a target behavior is reinforced each and every time it is exhibited. Every time your dog doesnt bark at the mailman, give him a treat
Fixed Ratio Schedule
There must be a fixed number of target responses before reinforcement is given. Ex) Buy 10, get 1 free
Variable Ratio Schedule
The number of target responses required for reinforcement varies around some average. Ex) Buying lottery tickets
Fixed Interval Schedule
The first target response after a fixed interval of time has passes is reinforced.

Ex) Making Toast

Variable Interval Schedule
Reinforces a response at unpredictable time intervals. Ex) Checking your cell for text messages
Latent Learning
Learning in the absence of apparent reinforcement;Edward Tolman; Ex) Rats given the opportunity to explore a maze will develop a mental map even where there is no reinforcement nor motivation for learning. Later, when reinforcement is available, rats that had the opportunity to explore the maze performed better than those that did not.
Observational Learning
Learning that takes place by watching another individual model for learning task. Ex) A child watches his older brother always hit his toys, so the child dos it also.

B.F. Skinner
American psychologist who founded that reinforcemtplays a huge role in operant conditioning
Albert Bandura
A psychologist who found observational learning and the social learning theory