change in an organism's behavior or thought as ar esult of experience
(learning) Habituation
responding less strongly over time to repeated stimuli
-making associations between different stimuli -once the associations are established, recalling the sensory experience of on stimulus retrieves that of the other
Ivan Pavlov
-Discovered classical conditioning -russian physiologist and the 1904 nobel prize laureate (for his work on digestive responses in dogs) -unexpectedly found out that dogs began salivating not only to meat powder, but also to research assistant's appearance
unconditioned stimulus
stimulus that elicts automatic/reflexive response
conditioned response
response previously associated with a non-neutral stimulus that is elected by a neutral stimulus through conditioning
neutral stimulus
does not elect any resonse
unconditioned stimulus
elicits automatic response
unconditioned response
automatic or reflexive response
conditioned stimulus
previously neutral stimulus that elicits response as a result of learning
learning phase during which a conditions stimulus is established
(acquisition) how does time betwween CS and UCS effect conditioning
the smaller the time between the CS and UCS presentations, the faster learning occurs
gradual reduction and eventual elimination of a CR after the CS is presented repeatedly without the UCS
spontaneous recovery
sudden reemergence of an extinct conditioned response after a delay in exposure to the conditioned stimulus
stimulus generalization
conditioned stimuli that are similar, but not identical, to the original conditioned stimulus elicit a conditioned response
stimulus sexcrimination
by which organisms display a much weaker conditioned responses to conditioned stimuli that differ from the original conditioned stimulus
John B. Watson
spearheaded the infamous little albert study to falsify the freudian' view of phobias (that they only stem from the unconscions)