Ivan Pavlov
Coined Classical Conditioning
Classical Conditioning
UCS = UCR slap = painNS + UCS = UCR soda + slap = pain CS = CR soda = pain
CS = CR after a while CS = no response
CS = no responseUSC + CS = CRCS = CR
Spontaneous Recovery
CS = no responseCS = CR
Forward Conditioning
Backward Conditioning
Second Order Conditioning (phobias)
CS = CRCS turns into UCSUCS = UCR
Secondary conditioning
UCS = UCR taze = painNS + UCS = UCR food + taze = painCS = CR food = painNS2 + CS = CR food + unhealty restrau = painCS2 = CR unhealthy restau = pain
5 factors that affect conditioning
timingpredictabilitysignal strengthattentionbioprepardness
Instrumental Conditioning
Action leads to a positive result = learning occurs
Thorndykes Law of Effect
A response leads to a positive outcome, that response is more likely to occur
Operant Conditioning (B.

F Skinner)

One operates on the environment and looks at the results
Primary Reinforcement
"NEED" - Food, water, warmth, social contact
Secondary Reinforcement
"WANT" something that can be traded for what you need.
Positive Reinforcement
Stimulus = + Response
Negative Reinforcement
Taking away something negative out of a persons life Stimulus = - Response
(Stimulus) Generalization
Respond to similar stimuli in the same way
(Stimulus) Discrimination
Respond to one stimuli but not another similar stimuli
reward approximate behavior until you schievev final desired behavior
Stimulus = Response
Schedules of Reinforcement
1. Continuous Reinforcement - Reward after every response2. Partial Reinforcement - Reward after some responsesA.

Fixed Ratio - Reward after a specific number of responsesB. Variable Ratio - Reward after a random number of responsesC. Fixed Interval - Rewarded after a specific amount of timeD. Variable Interval - Rewarded after a random amount of time

Token Economy
Meaningless rewards given which can be traded in for what one really wants
Escape Conditioning
Learning to get out of negative situation and feel relief
Avoidance Conditioning
Learning a response to avoid negative situations
Learned Helplessness (Martin Seligman)
When one stops trying to control the environment.

(Gives Up)

Latent Learning
Learning that occurs through insight thought it is not evident
Cognitive Map
Mental Images of an area
Insight (Wolfgang Kohler)
Sudden realization
Observational Learning (Albert Bandura)
Learning through watching others
Vicarious Conditioning
Being conditioned by seeing others being rewarded or punished
Neural Networking
Learning cues when neural connections are strengthened
Active Learning
Applying what you lear to new situations
Skill Learning
Learning by practice and repetition, done step by step
Premack Principle
Low Rate Behavior leads to High Rate Behavior = RewardHigh Rate Behavior leads to Low Rate Behavior = Punishment
Partial Reinforcement Extinction Effect
that learned under partial reinforcement is grarder to quit
Escalation Effect
Punishment continues to increase
Information for the correctness of doing a skill
inherited responses