Abraham Maslow
-Humanist: Carl Rogers, Maria Montessori-Hierarchy of Human Needs-Interact with others-teachers primary role is to help students reach their potential
BF Skinner
-Behaviorism: Ivan Pavlov, John Watson-Reinforcement theory-operant conditioning-Stimulus-response-stimulus-Extrinsic rewards: Tactile rewards i.e food-Contingent rewards: From a Smiles to Stars-schema- your learning process-Environments students bring their own unique understandings to the classroom
Carl Rogers
-Humanism: Abraham Maslow, Maria Montessori-Interact with others
David Ausubel
-Cognitivism: Robert Gagne, Jean Piaget, Edwin Gordon-Thinking-Reception Method-Categorization/Advanced Organizers-Learning should be carefully structured so that connections to previously learned material can be more readily made
David Jonassen
-Constructivism: Lev Vygotsky, John Dewey, Jean Piaget, Jerome Bruner, Howard Gardner-teachers are facilitators-Perceive environments
Edwin Gordon
-Cognitivism: David Ausubel, Robert Gagne, Jean Piaget-Music-learning theory: auditory
Howard Gardner
-Constructivism: Lev Vygotsky, John Dewey, Jean Piaget, Jerome Bruner, David Jonassen-Perceive environments-Theory of multiple intelligences: linguistic, logical, musical intelligence, spatial, bodily-kinethetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal.
Ivan Pavlov
-Behavorism: John Watson, BF Skinner-Classical conditioning-Teacher controls classroom
Jean Piaget
-Cognitivism and Constructivism: David Ausubel, Robert Gange, Edwin Gordon, Lev Vygotsky, John Dewey, Jerome Bruner, David Jonassen, Howard Gardner-Thinking and perceive environments-Conservation-Retrieval of info-Storage-Stage development theory: sensorimotor stage, pre occupational, concrete operational, formal operational.
Jerome Bruner
-Constructivism: John Dewey, Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky, David Jonassen, Howard Gardner.-Modes of Representation theory: enactive (action based), iconic (image based), symbolic (language based) -Readiness at their level
John Dewey
-Constructivism: Lev Vygotsky, Jean Piaget, Jerome Bruner, David Jonassen, Howard Gardner-tactile/kinesthetic -We learn by doing
John Watson
-Behaviorism: Ivan Pavlov, BF Skinner-Successive approximation-Behavior modification
Lev Vygotsky
-Constructivism: John Dewey, Jean Piaget, Jerome Bruner, David Jonassen, Howard Gardner.

-zone of proximal development-interaction of experts and novices-teachers are facilitators: socialization process.-knowledge cannot simply be transferred from one person to the other, but rather is made or acquired within an individual

Maria Montessori
-Humanism: Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers-Self-actualization-Interact with others
Robert Gagne
-Cognitivism: David Ausubel, Jean Piaget, Edwin Gordon-Eight events of instruction: gain attention, describes the goal, structures the recall of prior knowledge, presentation of material to be learned, provide guidance, informative feedback/ elicits student performance, assess performance, enhance student attention and transfer
Raymond Swassing
-Learning styles: Walter Barbe- Learning modalities theory: primary (auditory), late elementary (visual to kinesthetic) adulthood (visual and auditory)-Matching students with teachers of similar modality
Walter Barbe
-Learning styles: Raymond Swassing-Learning modalities theory: learners process info. through a preferred sensory channel: visual, auditory, or kinesthetic
Behaviorism people
Ivan Pavlov, John Watson, BF Skinner
Cognitivism people
David Ausubel, Robert Gagne, Jean Piaget, Edwin Gordon
Constructivism people
Lev Vygotsky, John Dewey, Jean Piaget, Jerome Bruner, David Jonassen, Howard Gardner
Humanism People
Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, Maria Montessori
Learning styles people
Raymond Swassing and Walter Barbe
Bennett Reimer
Key Concepts: Aesthetic-emotion, feeling, product-preformance
David Elliott
Key concepts: musicing-activively involved in music making, Praxis, process
Keith Swanwick
Key concepts: development: person/experience w/music and culture, culture: person/social enrichment, crossover- curriculm=broad
Estelle Jorgensen
Key concepts: eclectic, spectrum, dialectic, culture-local/social influence
Operant Conditioning
behaviors that are reinforced are likely to recur. (Skinner)
logical thinking ability
Six practical principles Duke
-start from scratch-small approximations-essential information-have a goal in mind-inch forward-leap backward-good repetition