What is the goal of ethology?
to reproduce and pass on their traits
define behavior
what an animal does and how it does it
define ethology
study of animal behavior
describe 3 things about ethology
-result of both genetic and environmental factors -essential for survival and reproduction (fitness) -subject to natural selection over time
define behavioral ecology
study of ecological and evolutionary basis for animal behavior
define proximate cause
HOW an animal behaves; immediate causes
define ultimate cause
WHY an animal behaves as it does; the evolutionary causes of behavior
example of a proximate and ultimate cause of a behavior
a male stickleback fish attacks other male sticklebacks that invade its nesting territory. proximate cause: the red belly of the intruding male acts as a sign stimulus that releases aggression in a male stickleback. The ultimate cause: by chasing away other males, a male decreases the chance that eggs laid in his nesting territory will be fertilized by another male.

what two factors does a behavior result from?
genetic and environmental factors.
define nature vs. nurture
how genes and environment BOTH influence behavior
explain innate behaviors
-inherited, unlearned -environmental indifference- performed the same way by all members of a species
what are FAP?
fixed action patterns: innate behaviors that exhibit unchangeable sequences; CARRIED TO COMPLETION, triggered by a sign stimulus
that is the goal of FAPs?
ensures that activities essential to survival are performed correctly without practice
examples of FAP?
goose retrieving egg, if no egg, goose will still retrieve
2 types of directed movements
kinesis and taxis
define kinesis
SIMPLE change in activity or turning rate in response to a stimulus. it's more random
example of kinesis
kinesis increases the chance that a sow bug will encounter and stay in a moist environment
define taxis
AUTOMATIC MOVEMENT. oriented movement. moving toward something for a reason
example of taxis
plants moving toward the light as they grow
living systems have a variety of signal behaviors/cues that produce _______ and leads to ____
changes in behavior of other organisms; reproductive success
There is ALWAYS what involved with animal signals and communication

sent from one animal to another

what two properties of a signal causes a response?
transmission and reception
what two elements are essential of interactions between individuals?
transmission and reception
example animal signal
fiddler crabs. attractive with higher eyes, male waves big claw to get a female's response
state 4 common forms of animal communication and its goal
pheromones, visual signs, tactile, and auditory signals goal: to ENSURE REPRODUCTIVE SUCCESS, indicate dominance, find food, establish territory
define pheromones
CHEMICALS emitted by members of one species that affect other members of the species.
example of pheromones
mating signals and alarm calls -squirrels
ex. visual signals
bee dance: based on food source, they can tell others a food location by the direction and angle of the sun

tactile (touch)

male fruit fly tapping female fly legs
ex. auditory signals
screech of blujay
communication of diurnal animals
visual and auditory
communication of nocturnal mammals (bats)
olfactory (smell) and auditory
how does an animal's experiences during growth and development influence their response to stimuli?
case study of "cross-fostering" - where kids of 1 species are put with the parents/young of another species.
ex of cross fostering
california mice vs. white-footed mice affected learned behavior
5 types of learning
1) cognition: 2) imprinting 3)learning and problem solving 4) spatial learning 5) associative learning 6) social learning
define and ex. imprinting
involves learning and innate components -formation of permanent response to a particular object/individual -has to happen early life time period ex.

lorenz imprinting geese

prox and ultimate cause of imprinting
prox: young geese observe mother moving away from them and calling ult. geese that follow their mother get more care and learn important skills, better chance of survival
problems of imprinting and ex.
won't learn important behaviors if there are no parents and endangered species. ex.

pilot wearing a crane suit teaches whooping cranes a migration route

spatial learning def and ex
establishing a memory that reflects environmental structure. ex. where nest is located. wasp went to the pinecones both times, even when the nest was moved
associative learning def and ex
ability to associate one stimulus with another ex. blujay throwing up monarch bad taste
name and define 2 types of conditioning under associative learning
classical conditioning- arbitrary stimulus associated with particular outcome. ex, pavlov's dogs, salivate with ringing bell.

operant conditioning: trial and error learning ex. dog messing with porcupine and button=treat for mouse

cognition and problem solving def and ex
for higher intellect animals cognition: process of knowing that involves awareness, REASONING, recollection, and judgement problem solving: process of devising a method to proceed from one state to another ex. nut cracking crow, chimpanzee and food under stone
problem solving behavior relies on ___
social learning def and ex
learning by observing others ex. vervet monkeys learning correct use of alarm calls with python culture: info transfered thru social learning