study of animal behavior and its relationship to its evolutionary origins - what an animal does and how
proximate causes
immediate, genetic, physiological, neurological, and developmental mechanisms that determine how an individual behaves
ultimate causes
evolutionary pressures that have fashioned an animal's behavior
Karl von Frisch
studied communication in honeybees and described the waggle dance
Konrad Lorenz
studied imprinting in goslings
Niko Tinbergen
fixed action pattern studies
inherited behavior
innate, developmentally fixed, "built in", triggered by stimulus, reflexes/instincts, automatic from birth
learned behavior
acquired, modified by experience, variable, triggered by stimulus, habits/reasoning, some genetic predisposition
types of animal behavior
instinct fixed action patterns (FAPs) imprinting associative learning trial-and-error learning (operant conditioning) spatial learning habituation observational learning insight
types of innate behavior
instinct, fixed action pattern, imprinting
inclination towards a behavior example: newly hatched turtles walk towards the ocean; human babies exhibit many instinctual reflexes; in mammals, offspring care is innate
fixed action patterns (FAPs)
initiated by a sign stimulus; follows a regular, unvarying pattern that will be carried out to completion even if the original intent can no longer be fulfilled example: graylag goose will roll eggs back to nest; even if it loses "grip" on the egg, it will complete the rolling motion example: male stickleback fish will attack anything with a red underside
innate and learned; specific behavior is acquired when the stimulus is experienced during the critical period. once acquired, the behavior is irreversible example: graylag goslings will accept any moving object as their mother on the first day of life example: salmon imprint the odor of their birthplace so they can return to breed
critical period
a limited time interval during the life of an animal where it is sensitive to optimal imprinting
examples of learned behavior
associative learning, trial-and-error learning, spatial learning, habituation, observational learning, insight/critical thinking
associative learning
classical conditioning; an animal recognizes that two or more events are connecting example: Pavlov's dogs salivate in response to a ringing bell, B.F. Skinner rats
trial-and-error learning
operant conditioning; basis of punishment and reward systems; animal connects its own behavior with a particular environmental response example: BF Skinner and the rats in the shockbox
loss of an acquired behavior; the behavior no longer elicits the expected response
spatial learning
occurs when the animal associates attributes of a location (landmarks) with the reward it gains by being able to identify and return to that location example: wasps use pinecones or other landmarks to remember the location of the nest
animal learns to disregard meaningless stimuli; "cry-wolf" effect example: sea anemones and food OR you don't feel your clothes
observational learning
animals copy the behavior of another animal without having experienced any prior positive reinforcement with the behavior example: octopus grabs red ball after watching a trained octopus grab a red ball
an animal, exposed to a new situation and without prior relevant experience, performs a behavior that generates a desirable outcome
some behaviors appear to be learned but are actually innate, they just require a specific age to be attainable example: birds can fly on their first try as long as their wings and feathers are formed enough to sustain flight
survival responses
occur when animals encounter dangerous situations: 1.

fight-or-flight response 2. avoidance response 3. alarm response

parental care
innate behavior in response to producing offspring; fitness of an individual depends on successful rearing of offspring
foraging behaviors
often require responses to visual and chemical stimuli: 1. flower color and scent 2. fruit color 3. body scents 4.

herds, flocks, schools, packs 5. search images

animal movement
animals move to seek food or shelter, avoid danger, or seek mates. they use kinesis, taxis, migration
undirected change of speed of movement in response to a stimulus - the animal slows down or speeds up to remain in favorable environments for a longer period of time
directed movement in response to a stimulus, either toward or away from the stimulus
response to light
response to chemicals
long-distance, seasonal movement of animals, usually in response to seasonal availability of food or degradation of environmental conditions
circadian rhythm
biological clock; pattern of physiological or behavioral activity aligned with a 24-hour cycle in a day
diurnal animals
active during the day and sleep at night
nocturnal animals
active at night and sleep during the day
produced by the pineal gland in response to darkness; regulates biological clock in humans
extended period of sleep, dormancy, or other torpid state to avoid hostile environmental conditions. reduce energy by lowering body temperatures and minimizing metabolic maintenance activities
dormancy during summers or hot/dry weather; protection from desiccation (drying out) by burrowing into mud or retreating underground.

courtship and mating
often occur during spring season, when warmer weather and an abundance of food arrive
animal communication occurs by which mechanisms?
chemical, visual, auditory, tactile
chemical communication
pheromones - some elicit response when smelled, others when they are eaten. alarm and sex pheromones are included.
visual communication
many visual displays are observed during acts of aggression or during courtship
auditory communication
bird song, insect song - used for mating, species identification, genetically coded
tactile communication
common in social bonding, infant care, grooming, mating
social behavior includes...
agonistic behavior, dominance hierarchies, pecking order, territoriality, eusocial societies, altruistic behavior
agonistic behavior
involves aggression and submission, and originates from competition for food, mates, or territory
dominance hierarchies
indicate power and status relationships among individuals in a group; minimize fighting for food and mates
pecking order
linear order of status often used to describe dominance hierarchies in chickens
active possession and defense of territory in which an animal or group of animals lives; ensure inhabitants adequate food and a place to mate and rear their young
eusocial society
consists of members divided into castes; individual castes have different jobs - foraging, feed/care for young, protection of colony, etc.
altrustic behavior
seemingly unselfish behavior that appears to reduce the fitness of an individual; increases inclusive fitness; occurs by kin selection - a form of natural selection that increases inclusive fitness
inclusive fitness
fitness of an individual plus the fitness of relatives, who share a percentage of identical genes with the altruist
sexual selection
selection of mates by particular traits; usually females choose males
Female mates with more than one male
Male mates with more than one female