
Disney and Religion

Disney and Religion: how Mulan and Aladdin differ in the portrayals of non-Western religions by Ada Tadmor Since the 1937 release of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the first…

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Stace's Time and Eternity

1. Positive divinity may be attributed to the unknowable characteristic of God. Its nature remains a paradox and arguments that contradict; that God is the object of religious search –…

Monotheistic Religions: Assessment

The Holy Land is an important site for all three religions because it contains many houses of worship. It includes Jewish synagogues, Christians Churches, and Muslim mosques. It is also…

Freedom Versus Predestination: a Comparative Analysis

This week’s essay is a comparative analysis of the theories of freedom (indeterminism) and predestination (religious determinism). Our analysis will attempt to prove the superiority of the theory of freedom…

Missionaries of Charity - Mother Teresa

Missionaries of Charity is a Roman Catholic religious congregation established in 1950 by Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta. It consists of over 4,501 religious sisters and is active in 133…

Elements of Religious Traditions

When one speaks of religious beliefs, there are many things that need to be considered Let us begin this topic of discussion by defining just what the term “Religion” has…

Morality Not Necessary Linked to Religion

Through human history religion has played a big role to define what is the right and wrong way to act. Even in actual days people relay on what religious texts,…

History: Religion and Multiple Gods

There are many similarities and differences between early civilizations that developed in Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, and China. For instance, most of Mesopotamia and China’s Government structure was made up of…

Religion and Marketing

Mara Einstein, in Brands of Faith, asks: “How do religion and marketing interact in the 21st Century? ” (2008) She presents the ideas of the commercialization of religion and religion…

Mother Theresa

Mother Teresa of Calcutta was a loved figure all over the world. She was the icon of love, and where ever she went people could feel the presence of pure…

The Purpose of Human Life on Earth

All men came to a specific point in live where they started questioning themselves, “Why am I here? Where from, and where to” The sad news is that many people…

Religion Is the Opiate the People

Karl Marx and Max Webber together cover the historical core of the sociological tradition. During the nineteenth century, Karl Marx and Max Weber were two of the most influential sociologists….

Survival: Religion and Pi

“A good novel that challenges enlighten the reader” Life of Pi by Yann Martel can be very powerful and engages ideas that make many readers question many issues as well…

Gifts of the Spirit

The gifts of God the Holy Spirit are recorded in 3 similar, but different lists in the New Testament. One lists God’s appointment of apostles, prophets, teachers, miracles, gifts of…

Reflections from a Missions Trip

Working in a foreign land can be quite overwhelming for someone that has never been. However leaving my comfort zone and being blessed to impact the lives of over 1300…

Japanese Religion

With the advanced of technology in current Japan, the role of religion has change dramatically, it is not only a simply faith in Japanese heart but also a consuetude carry…

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