Poem six is not being addressed to a lover or the distant dream of love but to a spiritual or higher being or depending on your religion the concept of ‘God’. Most individuals would interpret this poem to be a love song mainly due to its popularity in song form. Two of the most famous singers to perform this poem are Ella Fitzgerald and Barbara Streisand.

The poem is highly ambiguous about the addressee. However there are key text elements that suggest that the narrator is not referring to a person but a higher being with religious connotations.The first stanza can be viewed that religion or faith has been found or discovered; a reason to “make the heart beat faster” and “finding love”. Those who were not originally religious but then join a religion or are born again are considered to have “found” religion or faith. I refer to a higher being or “God” mainly because of the references to nature and the abstract images; “kiss of springtime”, “breathless hush of evening”, “lonely winter”, “angel glow that lights a star”, and ‘moment divine”.

The reference of “divine” and “angel glow” have religious connotations as well as the fact that in most religion’s “God” is considered to have made the earth. Angels are souls that have entered heaven and watch over those on earth and the concept of divinity or the divine is loosely defined as giving an object or person trandenscental powers, or other worldly attributes; mainly associated with a variety of religions.So in a way all that was described in poem six is made up of “God”. The two lines, “one day my happy arms will hold you” referring to a future occurrence and the last line “when all the things you are, are mine”, that a meeting will take place are two will become one or a part will join the whole. Both of these would be a reference for entering heaven.

The structure of this meaning, first finding “god” or religion in the first stanza and then expressing the longing to one day become part of heaven or “God’s” world is very logical as the steps proceed from discovering religion, living life with that religion and then eventually being received into heaven. These steps mimic the organization of the underlying meaning in the poem, finding “love”, living in this world with love or the passage of time with the description of seasons and finally becoming “all the things you are”.