
Religious Liberty in the USA

The article “The Development of Religious Liberty in America” by Steven Waldman discusses historical development of the USA in terms of religious preferences and how religious life affects political and…

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Description about Religion in schools

Religion is defined in many ways. Some define religion as a set of beliefs and practices common to a set or group of people. Religion is often codified by a…

Religion in Morocco

The constitution of Kingdom of Morocco declares ISLAM as the official dominating religion with about 99. 7% population in Sunni variant of “maliki” background. Kingdom of Morocco lies in northwest…

Historic Practice of Religion

The practice of religion has been shaped and changed through historical events. Whereas some events have given strength to practice of religion, such as Constantine’s emergence; others have reduced it…

Religion and voting behavior

The big divide over the influence of religion in politics remains always to be a source of controversy as well as exploited over by politicians and some religious leaders and…

Religion and Suffering – Cries and Whispers

Cries and Whispers showed a theological understanding of human suffering in its portrayal of its ugliness, its universality and how its spiritual value or lack thereof is a consequence of…

Religion and Aesthetics

It is of immense importance to see intrinsically the philosophical perspectives of Friedrich schleiermacher and that of Karl Marx when accessing or approaching their respective religious views be it positive…

Religion in Asian Theatre

Religion in Asian Theatre From 350-1350 c. e. theatre began to die off in the western countries due to Christianity and the fall of Rome. At about this time, the…

Ayat ul Kursi – The Throne Verse

“Allah! There is no god but He, the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists. Neither slumber, nor sleep overtake Him. To Him belongs whatever is…

Principles of Religion

Elie Wisel, Mahatma Gandhi, and Dalai Lama can be said as some of the most important people to their country for they bring extraordinary principles especially in their religion. Elie…

Salvation - Langston Hughes

In his essay called “Salvation”, Langston Hughes recalls how he was introduced to religion and the church. He goes to say that at thirteen years old he was brought to…

Christian Science

The basic philosophy of Christian Science is idealism. “Nothing is real and eternal; nothing is spirit- but God and his ideal; evil has no reality. ” The primary theme of…

Primitive Religion

Organized religion is often the one true form of religion which everyone recognizes. People often dismiss other forms of religion, such as primitive religion, believing it to be the religion…

Religion and Blasphemy Ideology

Blasphemy is the act of insulting or showing open disrespect of God through display of inappropriate behavior towards holy personages, religious artifacts, customs and beliefs. The word “blasphemy” came via…

Holy Eucharist

The Holy Eucharist which is also known as Holy Communion. We always celebrate this sacrament every Sunday and the masses which we are obliged to attend. The priest always gives…

Native American Religion

When the Euro-Americans started to settle America they forced the Native Americans to adapt their culture and religion. The settlers were very serious about their Christian religion. They thought it…

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