

The argument that I have chosen for this assignment and feel more comfortable using when trying to convince an open-minded non-believer in the existence of God, is number 19 “The…

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Afterlife Beliefs

Explore afterlife beliefs in a variety of cultures and religions. What similarities and differences can you find in beliefs about an afterlife? Focus on either ancient or modern cultures. Compose…

Comparative Religions

Death is certain to happen in life, that is why religions have beliefs about death, life after death and so on. Although, no human beings knows the answer to the…


The religion of Jainism has many components that are said to be very similar with certain parts of Hinduism as well as Buddhism. The Jain religion is most popular in…

Jesus and Muhammad

In the history of world, religion has always played a vital role in the lives of humans. Even in the olden ages, people used to worship idols and refer them…

Religion: It’s Importance in a Colonial Society

Religions were based on different factors, beliefs, cultures, practices and interpretations of different prophecies. Religious beliefs had existed for the past centuries, and its existence had drawn different reactions to…

Jungs View of Religion

I will be explaining Jung understands and his views of religion. Jung first starts with the key concept of the mind which is the three concepts of consciousness – consciousness,…

Asian and Native Religion Comparison

Asian and Native American religions have a great deal of history behind them and they have many aspects that are very similar when you take a look at them side…

Spiritual Autobiography

Ever since I can remember I have always been a Jehovah’s Witness. I had no clue of any other religion, besides the most common, Christianity. Being a Jehovah’s Witness was…

Relationship with Gothic Architecture

The relationship between Gothic architecture and spirituality is quite interesting. Gothic architecture influences from other styles of architecture are added to the bold touch of the Middle Ages, which some…

Religion vs Ethics

Moral Man and Immoral Society: A Study in Ethics and Politics return to religion-online Moral Man and Immoral Society: A Study in Ethics and Politics by Reinhold Niebuhr One of…

Religion and Environmental Ethics

RELS5149 Religion and Envirnomental Ethics Student#1155012742 – Li Wai Tat, Victor Does Christianity have a “Burden of Guilt” in our Ecological Crisis? Introduction and Methods In 1967, Lynn White Jr….

The Life of Blaise Pascal

The Pensees were a marvelous work of Blaise Pascal, as he seamlessly attributed so many aspects of his society’s views and beliefs of religion. Firstly, he stressed how pathetic and…

Religion and Art of Foragers

Religion is a very important for foraging societies. From a psychological perspective, religion helps people understand and accept sickness and death. Australian Aborigines believe that past spirits live on in…

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