
Psychology "Learning and Conditioning" Terms

LearningA relatively permanent change in behavior (or behavioral potential) as a result of experience.BehaviorismAn approach that emphasizes the study of observable behavior and the role of the environment and prior…

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AP Psychology Chapter 5

learningA relatively permanent change in behavior, knowledge, capability, or attitude that is acquired through experience and cannot be attributed to illness, injury, or maturation.classical conditioningA type of learning through which…

Real World Psychology Chapter 7

Alzheimer’s disease (AD)An chronic organic brain syndrome characterized by gradual loss of memory, decline in intellectual ability, and deterioration of personalityAnterograde amnesiaThe inability of form new memories after a brain…

AP Psychology: learning-people

Ivan PavlovRussian physiologist who observed conditioned salivary responses in dogs, classical conditioningJohn WatsonFounder of behaviorismLittle Albertsubject in John Watson’s experiment, proved classical conditioning principlesEdward ThorndikePioneer in operant conditioning who discovered…

Psychology Final-3

Psychodynamic TherapiesTherapy deriving from the psychoanalytic tradition that views individuals as responding to unconscious forces and childhood experiences, and that seeks to enhance self-insight. Influenced by Freud, in a face-to-face…

Psychology Chapter 7 Principles of Learning

classical conditioningIvan Pavlov’s method of conditioning, in which associations are made between a natural stimulus and a learned, neutral stimulusstimulusanything that elicits a responseresponsea reaction to a stimulusunconditioned stimulusa stimulus…

Psychology Lecture Learning--Classical conditioning

learningchange in an organism’s behavior or thought as ar esult of experience(learning) Habituationresponding less strongly over time to repeated stimuliconditioning-making associations between different stimuli -once the associations are established, recalling…

AP Psychology-Learning; ch 8

association learninglearning that certain events occur together. Events may be two stimuliclassical conditioningPavlov; type of learning in which an organism comes to associate stimuli. Natural stimulus taht signals on unconditioned…

Psychology-Operant Conditioning

Operant conditioningForm of learning in which responses come to be controlled by their consequencesInstrumental learningAnother name for operant learning, introduced by Edward ThorndikeEdward ThorndikeIntroduced the term “Instrumental Learning”BF SkinnerIntroduced the…

Learning Theories: Psychology

classicalold response to a new stimuluslearningkind of permanent change in behavioral tenancies through experiencePavlovfound classical conditioningAquisictionpairing the CS with the UCS = stronger conditioningGenralizationsimilar stimulus to learned response (white mouse…

Cognitive Psychology - Learning

(L) What is learning?A relatively permanent change in the behaviour, thoughts or feelings of an organism as a result of experience(L) What is the behaviourist approach to learning?- Exploration of…

General Psychology Chapter 6 Key Terms

LearningA systematic relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs though experience.BehaviorismA theory of learning that focuses solely on observable behaviors, discounting the importance of mental activity such as thinking, wishing,…

AP Psychology Learning Vocabulary Quiz

operant conditioninga type of learning which behavior is strengthened if followed by a reinforcement or diminished if followed by a punishmentclassical conditioninga type of learning in which an organism comes…

Educational Psychology chapter 8: Cognitive Views of Learning

Cognitive view of learningA general approach that views learning as an active mental process of acquiring, remembering, and using knowledge.Cognitive scienceThe interdisciplinary study of thinking, language, intelligence, knowledge creation, and…

Psychology Unit 5 Learning Theory

Learninga relatively permanent change in an organism’s behavior due to experienceBehaviorismthe view that psycholgy 1. should be an objective science and 2. studies behavior without reference to mental processesClassical Conditioningtypes…

AP Psychology Learning (Myers, AP Edition)

learninga relatively permanent change in an organisms behavior due to experiencehabituationdecreasing responsiveness with repeated stimulationassociative learninglearning that certain events go togetherclassical conditioninga type of learning in which one learns to…

Psychology in Your Life Ch. 6

learningA process based on experience that results in a relatively permanent change in behavior or behavioral potential.3 Critical Elements of learning1. Based on experience 2. Change in behavior/behavior potential 3.Relatively…

Psychology Quiz- Conditioning and Learning

Unconditioned StimulusA stimulus that elicits a reflective response in the absence of learning.Unconditioned ResponseA reflexive response elicited by a stimulus in the absence of learning.Conditioned StimulusAn initially neutral stimulus that…

Myer's Psychology for AP (Unit 6)

learninga relatively permanent change in an organism’s behavior due to experiencehabituationan organism’s decreasing response to a stimulus with repeated exposure to itassociative learninglearning that certain events occur together. The events…

Psychology - chapter 9

discriminationability to respond differently to different stimuliextinctionwhen a conditioned response no longer occurslearningchanges in behavioral tendencies that result from experienceneutral stimulusbecomes a conditioned stimulus after training – we try to…

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