ability to respond differently to different stimuli
when a conditioned response no longer occurs
changes in behavioral tendencies that result from experience
neutral stimulus
becomes a conditioned stimulus after training - we try to condition a response to this
unconditioned stimulus
an event that leads to a predictable response - occurs naturally
secondary reinforcer
money that people earn from their job~ after primary needs
positive reinforcer
reinforcement for desirable behavior
cognitive map
mental picture of a place
token economy
program that gives points for desirable behavior exp. good grades
when one person copies another's behaviors
self-control program
behavior modification system in which individuals set up their own rewards and punishments to change a behavior
conditioned stimulus
creates a conditioned response
unconditioned response
occurs naturally and predictably without training
conditioned response
happens after conditioning when the conditioned stimuli is presented - a neutral event that leads to a specific response after training
responding to a second stimulus that is similar to a conditioned stimulus without additional training
spontanious recovery
Sudden reappearance of the conditioned response after time lapse
negative reinforcement
unplesant consequences given to a behavior you wish to change
primary reinforcement
deals with basic needs - biological needs (hunger, thirst, ect.)
fixed interval reinforcement
specific amount of time lapsing
variable interval reinforcement
random amount of time lapsing
fixed ratio reinforcement
fixed number of responses before reinforcement
variable ratio reinforcement
random number of responses before reinforcement
aversive control
the process where unpleasant stimuli influence behavior
avoidance conditioning
the process that trains a person to leave a situation before it becomes unpleasant
escape conditioning
the process that trains a person to remove or end an unpleasant stimulus
learned helplessness
behavior demonstrated by giving up or refusing to try because of a belief that the situation is beyond the person's control
response chain
skill or behavior is learned one step at a time in a specific sequence
an operant conditioning technique that influences behavior by rewareding any act similar to the behavior and then requiring closer approximations to continue to receive the reward
token economy
social learning technique used to change behavior by rewarding appropriate behavior with some type of object that can be exchanged for rewards
classical conditioning
typer of learning in which an old response attaches to a new stimulus
uses reinforcement to create new responses out of old responses
a stimulus or eent that affects the likelihold that a behavior will be repeated
aversive control
type of learning results from unpleasant consequences
response chain
responses that occur in a sequence
operant conditioning
learning from the consequences of behavior - study of how voluntary behavior is affected by it's consequences/ reinforcement
continuous shedule
each time behavior occurs reinforcement is given
partial schedules
create long lasting behaviors
latent learing
learning that occurs in the absence of a reinforcer
learning that results from observations and imitations
social learning
Cognitive learning and modeling
cognitive learning
Focuses on how info is obtained, processed, and organized
behavior modification
learning principles applied systematically to change people's actions and feelings
belief that it's a permanent charecteristic
belief it's not specific but general
belief the problem is from within
imitations and observations work together in...
classical conditioning, operant learning, social learning are involved in...
behavior modification
behavior contract
only giving yourself the reinforcement when doing the good deed