All electric power systems are in MS, including luminaries, signals, ramp meters, flashers, cameras, message signs, all lighting, tunnel lighting, and loop detectors. A key feature of the 'MS is the Roadway Feature Viewer. The 'MS Roadway Feature Viewer provides a convenient way for supervisors to scrutinize information about a roadway.
For example, supervisors can easily see the locations of assets along the roadway and either view information about work being performed on an asset or create a work order for the asset.In addition, they can view the location of work being performed on a portion of he roadway and have access to information about the roadway itself, such as the number of lanes or speed limit. The system is not integrated with other asset management systems. 3. 2 Florida Roadway Characteristics Inventory System The Florida Roadway Characteristics Inventory (RCA) System is a computerized database of physical and administrative data related to the roadway networks that are either maintained by or are of special interest 6 to the Florida DOT [Florida DOT, 2005].The system also contains other data as required for special Federal and state reporting obligations.
Some of the specific items that the RCA database includes are roadway signs, traffic signals, pavement markings and treatments, guardrails, and barriers. The system currently tracks assets in the Department of Maintenance and Traffic Operations Control, including roadway lighting, structural supports, and detectors. The system is integrated into the central system. FOOT has populated the database with all available data for the RCA system. The database is updated daily when the department obtains new or modified information.
The RCA database resides on the department mainframe computer yester, and it is maintained by department computer personnel from the district and central offices. 3. 3 Maryland Highway Management Information System The Maryland SHAH manages a number of databases operated by various divisions to inventory and report on the assets under their Jurisdiction rather than maintaining a single, integrated, computerized database for all roadway characteristics. These databases are integrated as necessary through a shared route system based on the roadway inventory used for internal and Federal reporting requirements.The route system uses a standard key and mile points relating each of the ancillary systems to maintained by the database management section of the Highway Information Services Division is the main data source for roadway information [FAA, 2005].
Data are collected by inventory crews and integrated with data supplied by local county governments. The information gathered and maintained by the system is used for reporting and mapping within and outside Maryland SHAH and for developing and maintaining GIS Roadway Route System that runs an Oracle database.By facilitating the reporting and map display of their data on a graphical roadway map, the GIS Roadway Route System serves as an integrating function for databases maintained y the agency's Bridge, Pavement, Signal Operations, Accident Reporting, and Project Planning Divisions. The WHIM master file contains records to store each intersecting feature by route number and mile point. Features include, but are not limited to, intersecting routes, municipal and county boundaries, bridges, cultural features, some private roads, and road ends and CUL-De-sacs.
The Universe file contains roadway section data designated by route number, beginning mile point, and section length to support internal reporting and Highway Performance Monitoring System (HAMS) requirements. Data such as median width and type, number of lanes, holder type and width, pavement type, annual average daily traffic (ADD) and other characteristics are maintained. 7 3. 4 North Carolina Maintenance Management System The North Carolina DOT maintenance management system was developed to help plan, schedule, execute and manage individual maintenance programs [North Carolina DOT, 2003].
It describes the condition of assets based on extrapolations from random sampling. It develops an annual plan both ideal and constrained and it also creates an inventory of assets, facilitates the accounting processes and schedules daily maintenance work. The system is a PC-based, three-tiered system tit workstation access, an application server, and a mainframe Oracle server. The vision is to tie together the pavement maintenance, bridge management, and maintenance management systems and eventually add traffic signal management to allow a comprehensive assessment of needs down to the project level. .
5 New Mexico Road Feature Inventory and Highway Maintenance Management Systems The New Mexico Road Feature Inventory System (RIFF) maintains a video based system wherein each lane is recorded at 50-Ft intervals with a video image width of 120-Ft and all the asset data is imported to an Oracle database along with the video to rate an extensive database on the entire New Mexico roadway system to ease maintenance and limit legal liability by documenting safety assets [FAA, 2005].Of the seven safety hardware asset categories, only lighting and traffic detectors are not included in the RIFF system. This is because lighting in New Mexico is maintained by local governments, not the State Highway and Transportation Department (SHED). Nonetheless, the video can easily pick up the roadway lighting information as well. The State is eliminating the use of magnetic detectors and making a transition to the use of video technology.
The quality control is achieved at 95 percent accuracy and the system is integrated into the central system.The New Mexico Highway Maintenance Management System (HAMS) is a proprietary database which is separate from the RIFF system and it is a collection of highway information on labor, The HAMS is not integrated with any other highway asset management systems. One purpose of the HAMS is to help New Mexico SHED use its resources in the most efficient manner to maintain the roadways in the best possible condition by guiding the field personnel in managing maintenance operations effectively.New Mexico is en of the few States that owns the source code for its HAMS, which allows the State to maintain the software internally without licensing or other maintenance fees. Following the demonstrated success in New Mexico, a number of other States including Georgia, South Carolina, and Tennessee have implemented an HAMS.
The future plans for the New Mexico SHED included merging of the two databases.The New Mexico SHED recognizes the importance of coordinating, integration, planning with the Information Technology (IT) Department and it plans for central coordination for applications and development of any future software. 3. 6 Tennessee Road Information Management System The Tennessee Road Information Management System (TRIMS) is developed to improve cost-effective and efficient asset management [Tennessee, 2002].
The TRIMS Oracle database contains information on each public road in Tennessee.The Overbuild@ interface allows users to query inventory data, digital photographs, road mileage, documents, digital plans, and scanned documents. The TRIMS also has a graphic interface, which offers map-based queries and displays information on maps, providing a more effective tool for planners and engineers. The system is in SE by field staff to plan and execute work and by office staff to manage needed maintenance and develop analyses in support of budget requests.The Tennessee DOT has developed an internal guide to the TRIMS system to familiarize users with the TRIMS hardware, network, operating systems, database, and intranet/lenient connections.
The TRIMS features information pertaining to accidents, city boundaries, county boundaries, elevation alignments, geometric, horizontal alignment, maintenance features, maintenance inventory, railroad crossings, rivers, road history, road segments, road descriptions, route features, state boundaries, structures, reface conditions, traffic, urban boundaries and vertical alignments.