What does the acronym AVID mean?
Advancement Via Individual Determination
What is the AVID mission statement?
to close the achievement gap and prepare all students for college readiness and success in a global society.

What does the acronym WICOR mean?
Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization and Reading
What does the acronym SLANT mean?
1. Sit in front 2. Lean forward 3. Ask questions 4. Nod your head 5. Talk to your teacher
What items are minimally required in an AVID binder?
dividers, pencil pouch, pencils, paper, planner
How many pages of notes should an AVID student bring home each week?
@ least 1 per each class
How many learning logs should an AVID student bring home each week?
@ least 1
What is the "C" in the CORNELL WAY?
Create format
What is the "O" in the CORNELL WAY?
Organize Notes
What is the "R" in the CORNELL WAY?
Review and revise
What is the "N" in the CORNELL WAY?
Note key terms
What is the "E" in the CORNELL WAY?
Exchange ideas
What are the two "Ls" in the CORNELL WAY?
Link learning, Learning Tool
What is the "W" in the CORNELL WAY?
Written feedback
What is the "A" in the CORNELL WAY?
Address feedback
What is the "Y" in the CORNELL WAY?
Your reflection
What does a "good" summary look like?
3-5 sentences, answers questions in right-hand column, and summarizes notes thoroughly
What is a goal?
something one wishes to accomplish or achieve
What are the three types of goals?
short range, mid- range and long range
How long do short range goals usually take to accomplish?
A few hours to a couple weeks
How long do mid-range goals usually take to accomplish?
Several weeks to five months
How long do long term goals usually take to accomplish?
6 months to several years
Pertaining to goals, what is GPA?
Goal, Plan, Action
What are the three main learning styles?
visual, auditory, and kinesthetic
How many levels are there to Costa's Questioning?
How many levels are there to Bloom's Taxonomy?
What are the steps of the writing process?
Prewrite, Draft, Revise/Edit, Final Draft
What are the three steps to marking the text?

Mark the paragraphs 2. Circle key terms and phrases 3. Underline important information/author's claims

How many days a week are tutorials?
What is a POC?
point of confusion
What is a TRF?
Tutorial Request Form
How long should a student spend writing a reflection during the tutorial process?
10 minutes
What items should a student bring to tutorials?
Notes/resources, 3-column notes, pencil, TRF
When a presenter is at the board, what should other members of the tutorial group be doing?
Taking 3-column notes and asking questions
When are TRFs due?
Beginning of the period
Pertaining to grades, what is a GPA?
Grade point average
Student should set _____ goals at the beginning of the year.
Larger goals should be broken down into _________ .
_______ your goals makes them more real and motivates you to work to reach them.
If you need 30 minutes to get ready for school, wake up at least _____ minutes before you have to leave.
Avoid _______ is a good strategy.
Spend at least 15 minutes each day preparing your __________ .
to-do list
As often as possible, _______ in the same area of your home.
Eat _______ meals during the day.
Plan your study time first and then your ___________ .
recreational activities
Use a ________ to keep up with your calendar.
Avoid last minute ________ by putting off studying.
One way to manage your time is to keep a ______ of your activities.
True or False: One calendar is better than several calendars.
A recent scientific study recently showed that teens need at least _____ hours of sleep each night.
Teens average _____ hours of sleep each night.
True or False: Students in that study who got more sleep at night made better grades than students who got less sleep.
Sometimes you have to make a ________ about what you can do.
True or false: Taking breaks at least every 2 hours helps studying.
Study your ______ assignments first when you're more alert.
most difficult
________ your work by thinking small and setting small goals for big jobs.
___________ for lost things wastes time.
A Freshman student states "I want to make a 3.0 GPA by the time I graduate" is an example of a _____ goal.
The best goals are those over which you are in ________ of the results.
"I want to take better notes." is an example of a _______ goal.
Goals should represent something ___________ to you.
A goal should be _______ so that you know when you have reached it.
What are two steps to accomplishing your goal?
define your goal and set shorter "sub-goals"
It is helpful to consider all of the ______ to your goals and look for solutions ahead of time.
In the mission statement of AVID, we learned that AVID's mission is to bridge the ________ gap for all students..."
In AVID's main learning strategy, known as WICOR, the letter C stands for _______________ .
SMART Goals _______________ .
S-Specific,M-Measurable, A-Attainable, R-Relevant, T-Time-bound
List (5) things that should be in your binder check?
Cornell notes, tutorials, agenda, Learning logs, Organization