what does avid stand for ?
Advancement Via Individual Determination
What is Avid ?
A college readiness program
Who does Avid target ?
4th through 12th grade
What are two things Avid students should have?
A willing to go to college and the determination to get there.
What do students learn in the Avid elective?
Individualism and how to prepare for a 4 year course college.
How big is the binder ?
About three to four inches.
when are binder checks?
The Friday that we have an A day.

who grades the binder?
the tutors
In what order should you have each section?
it should be Avid first then whatever you want after that.
When do you use cornell notes and learning logs?
You can use cornell notes whenever notes are being taken and you can use learning logs whenever you want to.
What are required items for the binder?
you should have all the materials you started out with in the beginning of the year.
Name some suggested materials.
You should have an highlighter, a pencil sharpener, a pencil, three pens ( blue, black, and red) , glue to name a few.
What are the categories for the binder checks?
There are the teachers and what they teach and the days.

Why is the assignment log used?
to keep track of your own grades.
Why/when are students required to use Cornell Notes?
They are expected to use them whenever notes are being taken or whenever the student feels that notes should be taken. They are used for repetition.
How many pages of cornell notes should a student have per week?
They should have around 15 per week.
what is the basic page setup for Cornell notes?
It should be the name date class and block in the upper right hand corner of the page, questions on the left hand side, and then notes full on in the middle.
How can Cornell notes help with tutorials?
Because if you take the notes and you have a question based off the notes then you can use the Cornell notes to help you answer the question.

What are the R's for taking Cornell notes ?
Record, Reduce, Recite, Reflect, and Review.
What is the STAR note taking strategy?
S= Set up paperT= Take notesA= After classR= Review notes
What are some tips for studying Cornell Notes?
You review them every 20 minutes using the repetition method.
What are some of the questions asked on the learning log?
Where did you learn this information?How can you apply this to everyday findings?
What is the purpose of the tutorial?
To get you help on a certain question that you weren't able to understand before. Your peers are there to help you figure out what you did wrong and what not.

How often do Avid students have them?
They are everyday except Fridays when binder checks are going down.
Who facilitates the tutorials?
The tutors from college.
What is the student's role in the tutorial?
The student would go up to the front of the board and then pronounce the question and then ask what they need to do. If another student is at the board then the rest of the students would sit and help the other student while taking notes during.
What is required of the student before the tutorial?
The student would have to fill out the TRF and then turn it in before the bell rings.

Then the student would receive it and then sit down and fix it, if it needs fixing.

What levels of questions should be used on the tutorials?
There should be first and second level questions in the beginning and then during the end there should be more like third level questions.
What other components are on the tutorial sheets besides questions?
There is space where you can write your notes at and then your steps at the end of the tutorial.
List level one prompts.
Who is the main character?What is the main character doing?When was the story made?
List level two prompts.
Compare and contrast the main theme of the story to the theme to another story.Analyze who the conflict is between.What was the character thinking of when the action was done through that character?
List level three prompts.
If the character hadn't of done what it did then what could've happened as a result from that characters' undone action?Judge whether or not the author had made a good choice of putting that action in the story.