Many stunning facts, statistics, researches and much more. This is how could be the movie ? Forks over Knives? described right after seeing it. But what happens to all these facts after a little bit of critical thinking and reading few reviews and articles, related to the topic of vegan diet? First think to wonder about were the information provided. Most of the information, which looked like genuine facts, were actually more observations than facts. All the core proofs of the advantages of so called vegan diet are only based on observations.

And also, many of those observations are not trustworthy enough to be considered proofs. For example, the experiment with rats performed by Indian scientist showed that rats fed with lower amount of animal proteins are less likely to develop liver cancer. However, in the same screen was written: ? In all, 30 rats on the high-protein diet and 12 on the low-protein diet survived for more than a year.? This is one of more thing to realize, when thinking about reliability of this movie.But in many articles there is enough said about reliability of the facts and observations, I will concentrate more on my own point of view on vegan diet against animal-based diet.

To determine, what are people really supposed to eat, we have to look at our ancestors. Earliest homos were herbivores, there were collecting plants just like most of other animal kinds. Soon, they became carnivores and many scientists consider this to be one of the most important milestone in human development history, because they assume, that getting more protein from meat contributed on development of human brain.However, this theory is nowadays neither confirmed nor denied. On the other hand, it is clear, that getting more proteins in shorter amount of time contributed on human domination above other animal species, because they were able to do more physical activity and also regain the energy faster after performance. Later humans began to settle down and started cultivating the crops, therefore their diet was more plant-based as the time passed.

Nowadays, people do still have significant signs of being omnivores, we have teeth dedicated to eating meat (incisors and canines) and plants (molars).One of the biggest differences between vegan diet and animal-based diet are proteins. Beside amounts of them, there is also their composition. While meat and dairy products contain complete proteins, plants, beans and nuts contain incomplete proteins.

Therefore you need to eat more kinds of plant-based food in order to receive all the essential proteins. Another thing, that I've already mentioned is that one vegan-food portion contains less proteins than meat-food portion.An adult should consume 0. 8-1. 7 grams of proteins per each kilogram of his/her bodyweight per day, depending on his/her physical activity a number within this range should be applied. Therefore a vegan person must consume more portions, than meat-eater, but this also means, that this vegan person eats more calories, in order to have sufficient level of proteins.

Despite all these facts, vegan diet might be beneficial for some people. 50 kilogram woman, not very physically active only needs about 40 grams of proteins per day.This number can easily be reached with vegan diet. But 85 kilogram active sportsman would need 144.

5 grams of protein, what is much higher portion. Most protein-rich vegan food is oat and wheat, they both contain around 15 grams of protein per 100 grams, but they do also contain over 300 calories. And the proteins contained in those two aren't even complete. Usual vegetable or fruit has less than 3 grams of protein per portion. Therefore, a middleweight, physically active men might have problem with being vegans.

Vegan diet is a controversial topic of discussions for very long time. Vegan diet might be good for people, who have the patience with controlling their protein intake. However, for people, who need high daily protein intake, this might be less beneficial, since they would fight with high calories intake. I personally prefer combined diet, with enough plant-based food, but also some meat and dairy products to quickly and easily gain those necessary substances, which vegan diet lacks.