Archaeologists learn about ancient people by studying
Lucy was a skeleton of a
Paleolithic means
old stone age
The developement of fire and clothing meant that prehistoric people could
move to colder areas
Neanderthals were different from hominids because they
buried their dead
Cave paintings in France and Spain are a
textbook to teach hunting
During the Mesolithic Age, people
trained dogs, made tools
Understanding that food could be grown from seeds marked the beginning of the
Neolithic agricultural revolution
The people most likely to advance rapidly were those who
formed permanent settlements
Permanent settlements generally requiredd
a form of government
Forming large, permanent settlements meant that people could
produce a surplus of food and specialize in jobs
Trade between cultures let to
cultural division
History basically begins when people start to
The Iron Age shows a higher level of development than the Bronze Age because
iron is more difficult to make
Egyptians could move goods up the Nile because
winds or sails
The Rosetta Stone was imporant because it
translated hierogliphics
Hatshepsut was unusal among Egypttian rulers because
she was a female
Despite the changes in hynasties, Egyptian culture remained stable because
Egyptians belived that in the afterlife, people were
judged by their deeds on Earth
Cuneiform was
Summerian writing
One of the important contributions of the Sumerian people was
the arch
Sumerians believed in
a shadowy underworld
The Code of Hammurabi was
first written laws
The Hitties' laws included
Cyrus the Great
conquered Babylon
Phoenicians were famous for their
Commodities are
goods with value for trade
The Twelve Tribes of Israel united under
Ethical monotheism is a system of
beliefs based on one god
The Indian subcontinent is separated from the rest of Adia by the
Ancient Indus River valley cities based their protection around
During the Vedic Age, the military leader, lawmaker, and judge of a settlement was the
The teachings of the Upanishads were passed along in the form of
Pariahs were
The ultimate goal of Hindus was to
reach nirvana
Siddhartha Gautama became known as the
The Buddha taught that the way to salvation was
8 fold path
Right action is
obeying the law
Mahayana Buddhists viewed the Buddha as a
Chandrogupta Maurya ruled by
establishing a rigid bureaucracy
More people became Buddhists after
Asoka became a buddhist
One reason the Guptas lost power was because
invaders from Asia came
Stupas were
dome shaped shrines
Indian physicians saved lives throught the use of
The three major rivers of China are the Huang, the Chang, and the
The Chinese built dikes along the bank of the Huang to
protect against flooding
The Chinese developed a sense of superiority because of their
isolation from other cultures
The rulers over the Neolithic people in China were the
The Shang might have cemented their power by
central government
The Chang religion combined animism and
ancestor worship
Chinese writings became an art called
Rebels overthrowing a dynasty could justify their action by claiming
Mandate of Heaven had changed
The Zhou dynasty fell because of
infighting and military invaders
One of the reasons for the disoncent among the people under the Qin dynasty was
forced labor
The leveling system
steadied food prices and supplies
Conducius taught about the importance of family, respect for elders, and
reverence for ancestors
Unlike Confucious, Laozi's teaching did not
deal with governing
Legalism stated that people were
The rise of Buddhism accompanied the
fall of the Han dynasty
The earliest known Greek civilization were the
The Minoan contribution to Greek developement was
an early form of writing/trade
Most Greek city-states developed around a
The Illiad tells the story of the
Trojan War
The purpose of the Olypic games were
to honor Zeus
City-states run by groups of nobles were known as
In Sparta, the ephors
checked kings power
under the rule of Cleisthenes, Athens established a
direct democracy
Athenians believed in spending mmoney on
public works
Athenians women
had no rights
The persians in Salamis Strait were defeated by a superior
Athenian navy
Pericles angered other members of the Delian League by
taking advantage
Sparta won the peloponnesian war by
aligning with Persia
The Parthenon was a
temple for Athena
Greek art broke away from Egyptian influence because they were
lifelike with proportions
Some Greek sculptors made their work more lifelike by
using mathematical proportions
Greek art expressed its belief in
simplicity and balance
Early philosphers were called cosmologists because they
studied the stars
Socrated believed that students should
question everything
Plato believed in a government ruled by an aristocracy, or
educated group of wealthy men
Aristotle believed that
the world should be organized using logic
Hippocrates's work sums up Greek science because it
applies reasoning not religion
Thucydides believed that
history should be fair and accurate
Philip's admirations for Greek ways
caused Hellenistic culture to flourish
Alexander desired to
spread Hellinistic culture
The spread of Hellenistic culture
increased the wealth of the middle class
hellenistic doctors increased their knowledge by
learning from Egyptians
Italy is cut off from the rest of Europe by the
The consuls
had veto power
The engraving of Roman laws on the Twelve Tables was prompted by the
Plebian Revolt
The Romans defeated Hannibal in the
Second Punic War
People who came under the rule of rome after the Punic Wars became
the expanding Roman empire created a class of business people known as
Roman allies fought the Social War to
overthrow Gracchi
Ceasar's government
decreased the power of the Senate
The Pax Romana kept Rome stable, but reduced the power of the
assimblies, magistrates
Hadrian and Marcus Aurelius were part of a group known as the
5 good emperors
Roman engineers used all of the following except
Roman lifestyles were criticized in the work of
The Romans put Jesus to death because
fear of uprising
The Goths were tribes from