Who was Virgil?
Most distinguished poet of the Augustan age
Who was Horace?
Sophisticated writer of the Augustan age
Who was Livy?
A historian who wrote the early history of Rome
What was Livy not concerned with?
Factual accuracy of his stories
The dominant male
Who was Spartacus?
The gladiator who lead the slave revolt in Italy
Poor apartment blocks
Compare Roman and Greek sculpture and architecture. How are they similar and how are they different?
Rome adopted Greek style, Greek sculptures were more idealistic and Roman statues were more realistic; Romans used the arch, vault, and dome
Discuss the role of slaves and Roman society. Why did some Romans live in great fear of their slaves?
Slaves helped farm land, tutor children, some were musicians, doctors, artists, cooks, valets, waiters cleaners, and gardeners; the Romans fear to the slaves because some of them revolted
Describe the lives of males and females and Roman society.
The women can divorce and are allowed education, the legal marriage is 12; men went to the school until they were 16, they were the leaders of families and the legal marriage age was 14;
Explain the existence of gladiatorial combat in the highly developed Roman civilization.
Gladiatorial combat provided entertainment for the people
What did the people of Rome he used to supply the population with water?
What was provided for the poor at the beginning of the Augustan age?
An official in charge of a province
A Jewish teacher who traveled and preached throughout Judea and neighboring Galilee
Simon Peter
The Jewish fisherman who had become a follower of Jesus during Jesus lifetime
A highly educated Jewish Roman citizen who joined the movement
New testament
A record of Jesus is life and teachings; second part of the Bible
The first Christian emperor
Theodosius the great
Adopted Christianity as the official religion of the Roman empire
Describe the beliefs and practices of Roman religion prior to the spread of Christianity
They believe that observance of proper ritual with priests brought them into a right relationship with the gods
List the ethical concepts voiced by Jesus
"Do to others what you should have them do to you" "Love the Lord your God with all your mind, heart, soul, and strength"
Where did the Jews live?
A Jewish revolt in A.D. 66 led to what?
The destruction of the Jewish temple
Who ordered the crucifixion of Jesus?
A Roman procurator by the name of Pontius Pilate
Jesus was seen as a potential what against Rome?
Who taught that by accepting Jesus as the Messiah on could. Be saved from sin?
Rome began persecuting Christians under the reign of whom?
What happened after the 5 good emperors?
Civil wars broke out
What did the Severan leaders do?
Restored order
Describe the Roman invasions.
Persia invaded from the East and Germany invaded from the north
What caused the economic collapse?
Invasions civil wars and plague
What caused labor shortages?
The plague killed one in every 10 people
What declined in the fall of Rome?
Trade and small industry
What happened to the crops?
They were taken by invaders and/or to feed the army
Where did they hired soldiers come from?
What did Diocletian do?
In trying to rebuild Rome he divided it into four units
Constantine- Byzantium
A new capital in the east, later renamed Constantinople (today Istanbul)
What happens to the tax base?
It gets lowered
What happens to the value of money?
It decreases
What did they do to fight the inflation?
They issued a price edict- wage and price freezes
What about working edicts?
Workers were forced to remain in their vocations (hereditary jobs)
Where did the Huns come from?
They came from the Asia and went to Eastern Europe
The Visigoths
Allied with Rome, but eventually started to revolt and conquered rome
Took Spain and North Africa then rome
In 476 who loses power?
Romulus Augustulus *last roman emperor*