what were some of the effects of the germanic invasions?
disruption of trade, downfall of cities, population shifts, the decline of learning, loss of a common language
explain the new ideas about government?
Germanic people lived in small communities that were governed by unwritten rulers and traditions.
where did the new society of the middle ages emerge from?
1. the heritage of rome 2. the beliefs of the roman catholic church 3. the customs of various germanic tribes
what role did Pope Gregory I have in expanding the power of the church?
the papacy became a secular, worldly, power in politics
what did the term "major doom" mean?
the mayor of the palace
how did Charlemagne extend Frankish Rule?
-he strengthened his power by limiting the authority of the nobles -encouraged learning -opened a palace school -ordered monasteries to open schools to train future monks and priests
what was the treaty of verdun?
dividing the empire into 3 kingdoms
what was important about crowning charlemagne emperor?
signaled the joining of germanic power, the church and the heritage of the roman empire
how did feudalism emerge?
from the widespread disorder of suffering to the invaders
what does feudalism mean?
the system of governing and land owning
explain the structure of feudalism?
kings, nobles, church officials, knights, peasants
what was the role of the manor system?
basic economic arrangement
how did religion support the feudal system?
church reinforced gods plan
what was a tithe?
church tax
what percentage of a peasant's weekly income went to the church?
explain why the serfs accepted their economic hardship?
because they were told it was gods plan
describe the feudal social classes?
those who fights (nobles/ knights), those who pray (monks, nuns, leaders of the church), those who work (peasants)
who were the invaders of western europe?
muslims, mogyers, vikings
who was charles martel?
mayor of the palace, held more power than the king, defeated muslim raiders from Spain at the Bottle of Tours in 732 (made him a christian hero)
what played a key role in spreading christianity?
what does middle ages mean?
the middvil period
what is a monastery?
religious communities
what is a lord?
what is fief?
land grant
who can receive a fief?
lords, church, vassals, kings, knights
what was the difference a serf and a peasant?
surfs can't leave their land, can't be sold and a peasant can come and go and can be sold. surfs owed the village priest a tithe
what does self-sufficient mean?
germanic people that held power
the franks
the family that would rule the franks from 751 to 987
carolingian dynasty
known as Charles the great and ruled the kingdom
what is a knight?
mounted horsemen who pledged to defend their lords' in exchange for fiefs
what is a vassal?
the person receiving the fief
what is a manor?
the lords estate
what is a serf?
people who could not lawfully leave the place where they were born