What was the Renaissance a rebirth of?
art and learning
The study of classical texts caused humanists focus on what subject?
human potential and achievements
For what is the Medici family famous?
for being rulers and supporters of the arts
What were Desiderius Erasmus and Thomas More?
Christian humanists
What was the first full-sized book Gutenberg printed?
the Bible
In what way did Leonardo da Vinci represent the Renaissance Man?
He was a painter, sculptor, inventor, and scientist
Luther protested the practice of selling indulgences. What was that practice?
The clergy sold pardons that released people from performing penalties for their sins
Who declared himself the head of the English Church?
Henry VIII
What was one of John Calvin's major teachings?
Who was the important Catholic Reformer who founded the Jesuit order?
Ignatius of Loyola
What kind of person represented the ideal of the "Renaissance Man"?
someone who excelled in many areas of study
How did Italy's location help it become the birthplace of the Renaissance?
Italy had access to Roman ruins and had thriving cities
Why was block printing more useful in Europe than in China?
European languages had a smaller number of characters than Chinese
Which of the following was one of Luther's main beliefs?
All people with faith were equal
What was the main reason for Henry VIII's split with the Roman Catholic Church?
his desire for a male heir
Which of the following was agreed upon at the Council of Trent?
The Church's interpretation of the Bible was final
The Peace of Augsburg ended a war between the supporters of which two groups?
Catholic and Protestant German princes
The period of European history known as the Renaissance roughly covers the time from
1300 to 1600
The best synonym for secular is
To become known as an important patron, one most needed to be
The technique known as perspective is most useful in the creation of
three-dimensional art
A person who produces work "in the vernacular" is one who
writes in local, rather than in a classical, language
The intellectual and cultural movement known as humanism arose from the study of
classical Greek and Roman culture
Renaissance painters in Flanders, as in Italy, tended to produce work that was
In Greek, the word utopia means
"no place"
The first movable type was in
The printing press was invented by
Johann Gutenberg
What did Thomas More write?
Which of the following did Desiderius Erasmus and Thomas More have in common?
Both were considered humanists
Who was the last oh Henry VIII's children to rule England?
Elizabeth I
Which official measure made the king, instead of the pope, the head of the English Church?
Act of Supremacy
Who was the wife of a king of England, the mother of a queen of England, and the aunt of an emperor of the Holy Roman Empire?
Catherine of Aragon
Whom did Henry VIII want to marry badly enough to prompt his break with the Roman Catholic Church and the pope?
Anne Boleyn
Which term originally referred to a German prince who was not loyal to the pope?
Which term means "to take back a statement"?
Who was the first of Henry VIII's children to rule England?
Edward VI
Which official measure made it a crime to give Martin Luther food or shelter?
Edict of Worms
Which term refers to a pardon that releases a sinner from a penalty for committing a sin?
Which term means "to set aside"?
Who ruled England beginning in 1558?
Elizabeth I
The followers of John Knox became known as
Predestination was one of the main doctrines of
The founder of the religious order known as the Jesuits was
Ignatius of Loyola
Only the baptism of adults was valid to the
The wife that outlived Henry XIII
Catherine Parr
Painted The School of Athens
Sculpted the white marble David
Wrote The Prince
The only wife Henry was thought to have truly loved
Jane Seymour
Northern Renaissance painter who pained everyday scenes with many people
Pieter Bruegel
Painted portraits that were almost like photographs
Hans Holbein the Younger
The 4th wife of Henry VIII. He thought she looked like a horse and divorced her.
Anne of Cleves
Sculpted the bronze statue of David
Author of a handbook on how to be a Renaissance man or woman
Painted The Last Supper and the Mona Lisa
The best example of a "true Renaissance man"
From Flanders and he developed oil based paints
Jan VanEyck