An integrated curriculum
involves learning goals across multiple content areas.
An effective curriculum to develop creativity in young children should emphasize
providing appropriate materials, experiences, and relationships to support creative development.
A strong emphasis is placed on ________ in the curriculum for the primary grades.
learning to read
Assessment should be linked to the achievement of standards and
should regularly inform teachers about student progress.
A differentiated classroom refers to one in which
a range of spaces accommodates independent, small-group, and large-group work.
Among risk factors posing educational challenges to families, which of the following poses the greatest risk?
A Professional in ECE will reflect
a code of ethics that respects all children.

An early childhood teacher who acknowledges individual differences
sets expectations based upon each child's developmental level.
Advocating for young children and their families requires teachers to
publicly support a policy or cause they believe to be right.
A typical preschooler has a vocabulary of about ________ words.
A teacher interested in implementing developmentally appropriate practice should identify
different learning goals for each child reflecting individual abilities.

Ava has just learned to tell her teacher how many markers are in the set by counting each one and saying the last number as the answer to "How many?" Ava is most likely ________ year(s) old.
A teacher using the Reggio Emilia Approach will focus on _________ based on the child's interests.
an emergent curriculum
A ________ is an early childhood professional who works with new teachers to improve their skills or to help teachers with children who have particular learning challenges.
mentor teacher
A child who says, "I broomed the floor," is
overgeneralizing a language rule.

Child care centers and family child care homes provide care and education
for children of varying ages.
Culturally competent professionals
understand the importance of forming partnerships that span cultural and linguistic diversity.
Early childhood education professionals teach children from
birth to age 8.
Children typically speak their first words between ________ months of age.
12 and 18
dramatically affects development.

Differentiated instruction is designed to educate children through ________ techniques in order to ensure every student is being reached.
Early childhood professionals who want the opportunity to teach in various contexts such as public, private, or faith-based schools or parent cooperatives should become ________ teachers.
Effective curriculums are comprehensive, research-based, and
influenced by standards.
Effective playground supervision includes all of the following except
providing just enough attention so that children are aware the teacher is watching.

Early childhood professionals who want to teach according to Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences should
plan a variety of activities that involve different intelligences.
Early childhood education professionals contribute by
conducting their own research collaborating with parents.
Examples of integrated curriculums are:
emergent, thematic units, and projects.
Friedrich Froebel is known as the
father of the kindergarten.
Hopping and skipping are examples of the fundamental phase of motor development, which typically occurs during the ________ years.

In order to work effectively with families, teachers should build relationships by
conveying an attitude of trust, respect, and acceptance.
In order to encourage ________ development, a preschool teacher might set up an obstacle course during free play time.
gross motor
In the school setting, which of Gardner's intelligences is typically emphasized?
logical/mathematical and linguistic
In addition to specifying content knowledge and understanding of such concepts as curriculum, pedagogy, assessment, and wellness, the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) places a special emphasis on ________ in the early childhood program standards.
caring relationships
In order to work effectively with families in times of stress, teachers should
know about community programs to assist families in finding help at these times.

In your kindergarten class, reading skills range from familiarity with the alphabet to mastery of one-syllable words. How would you implement developmentally appropriate practice in this class?
Identify each child's abilities, struggles, and interests and adapt reading instruction to individual variation.
Jacob is restless at group story time in a four-year-old preschool classroom. Which of the following approaches would be a developmentally appropriate practice for his teacher?
The teacher should encourage Jacob to join the group's discussion of the book illustrations.
John Locke promoted the belief that children are born as
blank slates.

Kelly has created a curriculum based on apples for her kindergarten class. This is an example of
a thematic unit.
Knowledge of family systems theory gives teachers a deeper understanding of
family behavior with each other and with those outside the family.
Knowing whether a child tends to take risks would be helpful information for
supervision and safety plans.
Learning experiences and activities focused on shapes, colors, numbers, and the alphabet
should be the basis of the preschool curriculum.

One element common to behavioral learning theory and social-cognitive theory is that they both
promote the idea of learning from consequences.
"Least restrictive environment" refers to the setting where the child is
allowed to receive services among the greatest number of nondisabled children.
One similarity between the developmental theories of Piaget and Vygotsky is that they are both
constructivist theories of learning through interaction with the environment.
One-year-old Sam is able to stand and walk.

He is in the ________ phase of motor development.

One effective strategy for inclusive classrooms is to provide multiple options for engaging with the curriculum. Which of the following is the best example of multiple means of engagement?
including math-related activities in several learning centers such as the dramatic play, music, and writing centers
Playing in a natural environment fosters all of the following for children except
increased bullying behavior.
Right- or left-handedness typically emerges by age
"Shaping" involves
rewarding each step toward a goal to teach a new skill
Solitary play is characteristic of ________ year-old children.
2- to 2½-
Sam has just begun to spontaneously apologize to other children if he accidentally hurts them during play time.

Sam is most likely ________ years old.

four to five
Scheduling regular disaster emergency response drills
helps children learn how to follow directions in an emergency.
B. F. Skinner's theory of learning is known as

Once a child masters a particular skill, a teacher engaged in developmentally appropriate practice would
introduce new and related skills that are achievable.
The Head Start program serves only children
from low-income families.
Teaching infants and toddlers requires more ________ than teaching preschoolers and school-aged children.
physical care
Teachers do not consider the children's prior _______ when designing play activities.
The teacher in a preschool classroom employing developmentally appropriate curriculum and teaching practices would
adapt the curriculum and teaching strategies to fit the needs of individual children.

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
provides federal funds to support education and intervention services from birth to age 21.
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) provides
free and appropriate education, including special services, to all disabled children in the least restrictive environment.
The children in your class with special gifts and talents
may need materials and activities that are typically considered more appropriate for older children.
The NAEYC specifies early childhood standards in all of the following areas except
content areas.
The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) has ____ program standards, which include relationships, curriculums, teaching, and assessment.

This curriculum model places an emphasis on creating classroom environments that facilitate learning and development.
Creative Curriculum
Teachers can best help toddlers build a solid foundation for making healthy food choices by
making sure each meal features a variety of healthy foods.
To prevent the spread of disease, ________ is the most effective and important practice in the early childhood setting.
modeling hand washing and teaching children when and how to wash their hands
The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) statement of commitment includes all of the following obligations except
always following the policies of your program.

The main difference between Piaget and Vygotsky was Vygotsky's emphasis on
What implies that practices are research based and yield positive outcomes for children?
high quality
With regard to relationships with families, the early childhood professional should understand that
the most effective programs for young children are those that involve their families.
When parents feel heard by teachers, they
usually listen to teachers' answers and explanations in return.
When four preschoolers pretend to go to the hospital, with two children acting as patients, one as a nurse, and one as a doctor, they are engaged in ________ play.
Which of the following elements of Maria Montessori's approach to early childhood education is most accepted in the United States?
educational materials for sensory learning experiences
Which of the following is typically not a role fulfilled by general early childhood classroom teachers?
diagnosing learning disabilities
Which of the following early childhood positions typically requires additional course work or a degree beyond the bachelor's degree?
school principal
Which of the following is an example of telegraphic speech?
"No eat."
Which of the following activities is typical of the cognitive development level of infants and toddlers?
repeatedly dropping a block to see what happens
Which of the following is the least important disposition for an Early Childhood Professional to have?
Which of the following statements best describes the role of assessment in teaching infants and toddlers?
Recording developmental milestones is an effective assessment method for infants and toddlers.

Which of the following child care center policies would be most effective in helping infants and toddlers resolve the trust vs. mistrust crisis?
Establish continuity of care by assigning teachers to children.
Which of the following statements is the most accurate illustration of emotional development during the preschool years?
Children are able to wait for their turn to participate in an activity.
Which of the following is not a feature of developmentally appropriate practice?
homogeneous classrooms
Which of the following statements best describes the purpose of developmentally appropriate practice?
It promotes the learning and development of each individual child.
Which of the following approaches for resolving a conflict between two children would likely work best for you as a teacher in the primary grades?
modeling appropriate conversation and guiding the children to resolve their own conflict
Which of the following is a physical skill that a preschooler is likely to master?
climbing up and down stairs
Which of the following statements does not describe a challenge to creating culturally appropriate environments?
Cultural differences are impossible to detect without infringing on families' privacy.
Which of the following would be a successful strategy for designing an inclusive early childhood environment?
Design an environment that is aesthetically pleasing and accessible to children with and without disabilities.
Which of the following best describes "parentese," a way of speaking to infants that is developmentally appropriate?
exaggerated in rhythm and repetition, high-pitched, and slow in tempo
Which of the following strategies would help a teacher create an inclusive early childhood setting?
using multisensory approaches to learning for all children
Which is not a factor that causes children to learn differently?
hair color
Which of the following is not a feature of an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP)?
focused only on the needs of the child
Which of the following best describes an Individual Education Plan (IEP)?
an educational plan stating goals and services for a child receiving special education
Which of the following terms is defined as the changes that are made in the educational setting to allow children with disabilities to participate fully?
Which of the following statements best describes an important consideration when teaching children with disabilities?
The severity of the disability influences the degree to which special techniques or materials are needed.
Which of the following terms is defined as what outlines minimal qualifications for particular ECE programs?
program standards
Which of the following is not an indicator of effective early childhood curriculum?
Goals are clearly defined and kept securely confidential by the teacher.
Which of the following is a true statement regarding performance standards?
Performance standards are closely related to children's grade level.
Which of the following terms is defined as what children should be able to do by a certain age?
performance standards
Which of the following best describes the role of standards in the development of early childhood curriculum?
Standards guide the development of curriculum.
Which of the following terms is defined as what students should know and be able to do in a particular discipline?
content standards
Which of the following describes a key finding in recent curriculum studies funded by the federal government?
Designing a research-based curriculum is important.
Which of the following is an appropriate focus for the curriculum in a setting for infants and toddlers?
Which of the following is an appropriate focus for the curriculum in a setting for infants and toddlers?
Which of the following would not be an appropriate learning goal for a preschool nutrition curriculum?
Understand the role of nutrients in digestion.
Which of the following full-day preschool schedules for physical activity would be effective in helping to prevent childhood obesity?
four 15-minute periods of structured play and 60 minutes of unstructured play every day
Which of the following would not be an effective method for teaching children to ensure their own safety?
memorization of safety warnings about what they should not do (e.g., "Don't cross the street alone." Or: "Don't run inside.")
Which of the following is not a limitation of using technology to communicate with families?
the speed and scope of electronic communication
Which of the following would not be an appropriate strategy for a teacher to foster interaction among the school, the family, and the community?
sharing confidential information with the local family counseling clinic in order to make a referral
Which of the following best describes a benefit of parent involvement in the early childhood setting?
Parents gain hands-on experience with the curriculum that they can then apply at home.
Which of the following most closely describes how the perspective of parents differs from that of teachers?
Parents need to be the best advocate for their child, whereas teachers must be objective and consider group needs.
Which policy does not influence Early Childhood Education?
Which of the following is not a role of a professional educational organization?
being a powerful special interest group that influences state and national education policy
Which of the following terms is defined as supported by scientific research and knowledge of how children learn and develop?
evidence-based practices
Which of the following terms is defined as morals or guiding principles that influence decision making in a profession?
Which of the following is true of cultural competence?
Cultural competence is the ability to work effectively across cultural groups.
________ is one accepted term for an early childhood professional who provides care and education to small groups of children in the home.
Child care provider
________ viewed the teacher's role as preparing the environment, observing children, demonstrating materials, and allowing natural exploration.
Maria Montessori
________ is the basis for the Tools of the Mind curriculum.
Vygotsky's sociocultural theory of learning
________ are typically associated with the reflexive phase of motor development.
____ is defined as serving children who have been identified for special education services in classrooms with their typically developing peers.
________ is the term for children with disabilities receiving the services and support appropriate to their individual needs entirely in the general classroom.