White Star Kine
built Titanic
traveled from Ireland to New York
The Titanic
DID NOT have enough lifeboats to save all the passengers
Barry and Mr Scollins
traveled in First class
The Flynn family
traveled in third class
Barry and Pegeen
both survived the sinking
The Titanic sunk
on April 15,1912
The Carpathia
was the name of the ship that rescued survivors of the Titanic
Eve Bunting
wrote SOS Titanic
Pegeen Flynn
red haired girl going to America from Ireland.
Jonnie Flynn
Pegeen's brother had to go to America or jail.
Frank Flynn
brother of Pegeen and Jonnie.
Mrs Adair
Jocelyn's mother a nervous woman
Colonel Sapp
sat at barre's table.
Mrs.cherry hat
a very nice friendly woman
barry's steward in first class
husband of Mrs. Chery hat
little girl who sits at Barry's table
Barry O'Neill
main character 15 year old boy going to America to be with his parents
Mr Scollins was
Barry's guardian on the ship