The book Began in what year?
where was Liesel when her brother died?
On the train.
What was the name of the first book Liesel stole?
The grave diggers handbook.
Who teaches Liesel to read?
Hans Step father.
What Olympic athlete was Rudy's hero and role model?
Jessie Owens.
What was this athlete sport?
Who is the narrator of the story?
What technique does zusak use to allow this narrator speak directly?
Italic, Centered, and bolded.
What is the second book Liesel steals?
The shoulder shrug.
What is the date, month & year of Hitlers birthday?
Aprils 20th, 1889.
How does Liesel's father pay for the Christmas books?
Sells Cigarettes.
What did the Nazi party do to the books they collected?
Burn them.
What book does max read as he travel to Liesel's Home?
Mein Kamph.
Why is this book a good camouflage for max?
Hitlers manifesto may was a Jew.
How does Rosa bring income into the home?
Laundry for the village.
Describe Rosa Personality with 2 adjectives
a good women to have in a crisis.
what is the name of the street where Liesel lives?
Hummel -heaven
Who is the 15 year old criminal who steals apples with Liesel and Rudy?
Arthur Berg
Who the women in town who sells candy to the children and is an staunch supporter or the fuhrer?
Frau diller
Why does max feel he can seek sanctuary in Hans basement?
father saved Hans life.
How does the mayors wife assist Liesel in stealing the books?
Kept the window open in the library.
What does Liesel lose the first time she and Rudy attempt to steal a book from the mayors house?
Her shoes.
For how long does max sleep when he arrives at Hans home?
3 days.
Whats sickness does Liesel and max share?
Why does Liesel refuse to kiss Rudy after he won his race?
He had mud on his face and she only wanted friendship.
How does Liesel treat the mayors wife when the washing stops?
Rude and Angry
how does max create his gift of a book for Liesel?
Pants over meinkamph
What does he call this book?
The standover
why does max give the book this tittle?
that's how he met Liesel.
why does max do his push ups in the basement?
to fight hitler
what does Liesel bring down to the basement on Christmas day?
what does the family do with this gift?
build a snowman.
as a result of this action, max is unconscious for how long?
8 days.
how does Rosa tell Liesel that max has recovered?
goes to school and scolds her about hair brush.
who is the second delinquent who later see's Rudy and the Hitler youth games?
viktor chemmel
how does Rudy save liesels book "the whistler"?
jumps into the river.
where does max hide when the Nazi soldiers inspect the basement?
under the stairs.
what does Hans share with liesel after a day of house painting?
in who/s basement do liesel and her family hide during the bombings?
what does the word angst mean?
after the bombing max looks out at the sky how does he describe the stars?
set fire to my eyes.
how does liesel calm the children and the adults in the basement during the bombings?
reading the whistler
the Jews are walking to what concentration camp?
what act of kindness causes hans to fear for his life and the life of max?
gives bread to a jew
what is hans responsibility when he first is recruited into the arm?
count the dead bodys;body collector
what is the name of the first book written by liesel herself?
the world shaker
what is the major symbol of endurance in her book?
a tree endures all attacks and survive
why did miechel holtzapfel kill himself?
So he can live his life
where is liesel when the final bombing of her street occurs?
her own basement;house
who cares for liesel after the bombing?
the mayor and his wife
where was max imprisoned during the war?
what does death give to liesel after she dies?
the book
/54.....analyze one scene that caught the message of the book...what conclusion does the Arthur draw about the power and importance of books?
When the children were in the basement and they were crying and she calmed them down.