What term is used to describe a strong sense of patriotism towards one's country?
Which politician developed an economic plan for the United States?
Henry Clay
What was the name of the economic plan?
American System
What are the 3 parts of Clay's economic plan?
• Est. protective tariffs. • Create a national bank. • Improve transportation.
Which Democratic-Republic candidate won the Presidential election in 1816?
James Monroe
Who was the Federalist candidate defeated in the 1816 election?
Rufus King
What name was given to the road constructed to link Cumberland, MD and Wheeling, WV?
National Road
What kind of government project was this known as?
Public Works Project
Where did this road eventually end?
Vandalia, IL
What constitutional issue was decided by the Supreme Court in the case "McCulloch vs. Maryland"?
What waterway linked the Great Lakes to New York City?
Erie Canal
What technological advancements brought about the end of the Age of Canals?
What term is used to describe loyalty to a particular region of the country?
What territory was the first west of the Mississippi to apply for statehood?
What issue caused Congress to reject Missouri's state constitution?
What territory east of the Mississippi entered the Union as a free state?
What was the name of the agreement which brought Maine and Missouri into the Union in 1820?
Missouri Compromise
What was the line of latitude which separated slave territory and free territory in the old Louisiana Territory?
36 30 Parallel
Which part of the national government was critical to the southern states in their effort to protect slavery?
Many southerners wanted to dissolve the Union by exercising this "right".
What was the name of the British-American agreement which limited the number and size of warships on the Great Lakes?
Rush-Bagot Agreement
What agreement est. the border between Canada and U.S. territory west of the Mississippi?
Convention of 1818
What line if latitude was est. as the border between Canada and the U.S.?
49th Parallel
Which region did the United States and Great Britain agree to share?
Oregon Territory
What term was used to describe the Untied States's and Great Britain's decision to share this territory?
Joint Occupation
Which American military leader commanded a force which invaded Spanish controlled Florida?
Andrew Jackson
What was the name of the treaty giving the U.S. control of Florida?
Adams-Onis Treaty
What line of latitude was est. as the border between the Oregon Territory and Spanish California?
42nd Parallel
What two names are used to describe the treaty giving the U.S. Florida and establishing the border between the U.S. and Spanish territory in the west?
Transcontinental Treaty and Adams-Onis Treaty
Which four countries had a claim to the Oregon Territory?
The United States, Great Britain, Spain, and Russia