What past experiance influances father's decision to enroll Ailin in public school?
Ailin reminded him of his sister who wanted to go to school but died
How does Second Sister's story of the colored silk worm cocoons relate to Ailin?
the cocoons can't make the silkworm move. When Ailin gets bound feet her feet won't move.
Name two positive aspects of Ailin's enrolling in MacIntosh school.
She made a friend named Xueyan and she is doing very well in English.
What does Miss Gilbertson suggest that Ailin help her with at school?
Ailin will help Miss Gilbertson teach her class English.
What do Big Uncle and father argure about that concerns Ailin?
Big Uncle wants to take Ailin out of school.
What reason does Xueyan give for women having bound feet?
Mothers want their daughters to be like them.
How does Ailin's relationship with her father differ from his relationship with his other children?
Her father wanted Ailin to go to public school.
Why does Big Uncle refuse to allow Ailin to return to school after her father's death?
Her father was the only one that wanted Ailin to go to school so Big Uncle takes her out of school.
What happens that makes Ailin feel guilty about how she treated her amah?
It was harder to be an amah than she expected.
What event proves to be a turning point in Ailin's life at the end of chapter six?
She starts to work for the Warners
At Ailin's final meeting with Big Uncle before she leaves the house, he gives this reason as to why she gets to leave his room alive?
She leaves alive because he loved Father
What is one concern that Mother has about Ailin's living with foreignors?
She is worried what she will eat and wear
Explain how Mr. Warner behaves in a similar fasion to Big Uncle
They both got upset at Ailin
How do Chinese people traditionally celebrate new year's and why does Ailin decide against going home then for a visit?
They bow to their older relatives, get gifts of money, and enjoy seasonal treats. The relatives she loved best were gone so she didn't come home
At what point of the story does the houseboy begin to accept Ailin and respect her?
After she finds a doctor for Billy.
How does Ailin Compare herself to a bamboo shoot?
She was too tough to have her feet bound.
Ailin finally realizes Mother's true feelings towards her Explain.
Mother should've insisted on having her feet bound so Ailin would marry and stay.