Why did Luke's dad sell the woods?
the government forced him to
The Population Law went into effect before Luke was born and stated that
families could not have more than 2 children
The only time Luke's family defied the government was when they
kept Luke
When did Luke's mother tell him why he had to hide?
the day of Luke's 6th birthday
Why was Luke able to bear hiding when he was young?
he was able to go in the woods
The toy train Luke was playing with first belonged to
Luke's grandfather
Why wasn't Luke's mother scared when she became pregnant for him?
She believed the government would get over its foolishness
Luke's bedroom was in the
Besides his own family, the only human being Luke had ever seen was
a tramp(homeless person)
Why didn't Luke tell his parents about his ability to look through the vents?
Luke was afraid his parents might forbid it
Luke had to start eating his meals from the stairs instead of at the table because
a worker asked his father if they had air conditioning
What does Mark yell when he knocks on Luke's bedroom door?
Open up! Population police!
The first meal Luke ate from the stairs was
scrambled eggs for breakfast
Luke knew what the mailboxes looked like because
Matthew and Mark had told Luke what they looked like
Mark offers to play what game with Luke?
In Chapter 3, Luke enjoys watching what from his room?
What stops Luke from complaining about eating on the stairs?
He knows his family is only trying to protect him
Luke's father received a letter from the government ordering him to get rid of
Who is going to be living in the new housing being built where the woods stood?
government workers and other people from the city
Luke's parents were very concerned about the dropping prices of
When mother looks at the tax bill, she notices that it is
three times as much as last year
When mother came upstairs to visit with Luke, she called this
my Luke breaks
After the family discusses the difficulty of paying the tax bill, mother announces that she has just received
a work permit
Mother got a job working
at a factory
When mother announces her new job, Luke is upset that
no one will be home to keep him company
The new houses that had been built were
larger than the Garners' house
Each morning, Luke rises at dawn so that he doesn't miss
the workmen
Luke doesn't ask for butter anymore because
it is too much trouble for someone to bring it to him
Which of the following is not true about Barons
they are all government employees
When Dad came in to have lunch with Luke at noon, he
turned on the radio for the farm report
The best part of the day for Luke was when
Mother tucked him in
What are the nicknames for the neighboring families
Sports Family, The Gold Family, The Big Car Family
The family with several birdhouses is referred to as
The Birdbrain Family
While home alone with the curtains drawn, Luke managed to
clean up and make bread
Luke's father is upset with him for
being downstairs in the middle of the day
What does Luke see in the window of a neighbor's house?
a child
Luke asks his mother to convince his father
to let him in the kitchen
What was wrong with the bread Luke baked?
it was lopsided
What does Luke tell his brother he did to the bread?
added poison
After supper, what does Luke notice about the windows in the Sports Family house?
all of the windows were totally blocked