From 1985 to 2004 how many fewer confidants did Americans have?
Americans have shifted from community support to what?
close family
Having one close connection can be vital for ?
physical and mental health
Americans ties to their communities enhance
our democratic institutions
What is a "weak tie friendship?"
those friends we have on fb that we know a lot about but so does everyone
GSS network question was?
not too accurate very vague but it paints a deccent picture
What did Claude Fischer call the drop of confidants from 2.

0 to almost none?

inadequate social support... having only one support person makes you vulnerable
biggest drops in confidants
friends and neighbors
smallest drops in confidants
family and spouse
If a majority of social connections are family then?
their social world becomes one dimensional
education has what kinda effect on confidants?
more intelligence = more confidants
men used to have more outside confidants than women but now
men and women's lifestyles are becoming intertwined
Non white have ___ confidants and more family
What has changed?
technology keeping families in touch even when they are away from each other.

.. makes long distance easier.

According to Fischer how much of the population has become isolated from social support
Those without a close person in the last 4 years
showed poor health signs physically