great migration
blacks went to the North to get jobs
reasons for United Nation action
1. after WWII United Nations said countries need help so the Truman doctrine helped Greece and Turkey 2. When south korea asked for help, U.S. used military force without declaration of war
action by US during war-ex. Sedition Act
mobilize resources, rationing, propaganda
New Deal effects on African Americans
Jim Crow doesn't go away; blacks get jobs; (pros and cons)
indians forcing to be in culture
results of labor strikes in U.S.
public opinion shunned laborers because of violence; government took owners side.
effects of red scare
fear of communism; blacklisted, falsely accused, lost jobs
title IX
increased opportunities for female students
Reasons for dropping to end WWII
to save lives in war and to win
Social Gospel movement
churches help the poor
Schneck vs. US
restricted speech during war (no freedom of speech)u