Racism and Research: The Case of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study
Written by Allan M.

Brandt-Shows circular nature of reasoning about race- Belief in physical inferiority (changed a lot with sports, ex. Jesse Owens at Hitler's olympic games)

Boyhood, Organized Sports, and the Construction of Masculinities
Written by Michael A. Messner- Organized sports is a gendered institution as well as a gendering institution- Gendered Institution: structured by gender relations, our beliefs about it shape the rules- Gendering Institution: Helps construct gender order-Form of structuration, gender is a very centralizing feature of human life
Optional Ethnicities: For Whites Only?
Written by Mary C. Waters- Generally, white people can "choose" whether or not to represent an ethnicity while in general, African Americans cannot choose- Refers to Durkheim, Social Facts
Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America
Written by Barbara Erenreich- Lady goes undercover to live in poverty- Works two jobs, lives in "poor" home, describes those she works with as well as her conditions and more
Uses of the Underclass in America
Written by Herbert J. Gans-The Non-poor groups benefit in society-Poverty persists because some people benefit from the persistence of poverty-The "deserving poor" are the hard-working, sick, widows, disabled, and some single mothers-The "undeserving poor" are the lazy, ex-cons, quitters, addicts, dropouts-The elites benefit from the labeling process, for example, if all the poor are undeserving, so nothing should be done- You can see the functionalism and conflict theory in this piece, as well as symbolic interactionism
The Rise and Fall of Mass Rail Transit
Written by Joe R. Feagin and Robert Parker- Corporations found common cause in organizing transportation to suit their interests-Mass transit helped shape cite and showed how urban areas developed -Conflict theory analysis
The Radical Idea of Marrying for Love
Written by Stephanie Coontz-Idea of "traditional family" most common in 1950's- But looking back to 1900/1800's there was a huge amount of family disruption for several reasons-Early American families: early and more frequent death, mothers die in childbirth, more affairs, war and migration
Religious Community and American Individualism
Written by Robert N.

Bellah-Building on Tocqueville's Democracy in America- Argument: In the past, individualism and commitment were balanced, but now individualism is gaining control-Individualism: The self is primary. It appears in two ways: 1) Utilitarianism (self-interest) if everyone looks after themselves, the economy will be better and the nation stronger 2) Expressive (self-fulfillment) example is Oprah and being your best self; "I can be religious without going to Church"-Commitment: The idea that we are a part of something bigger, community, biblical and religious tradition, you need church to get closer to God-Since the 1960's, individualism has been gaining ground

The Gender Revolution
Written by Paula England-Why women have become increasingly more significant in different parts of life-Work force, freedom, rights
Should the Government Promote Marriage?
Written by Andrew J. Cherlin- The main argument is people who are married do better (this is true)- Causal pathways are not the same for everyone, but it is obviously not better to stay married to someone abusive, etc.- Not all marriages are equal; for example, marriage is good for kids but not in every instance-Marriage can cause happiness, but it is not the only cause for happiness- If we are going to support or encourage marriage based on this correlation, we must encourage good marriages and not bad marriages
Preparing for the Competition
Written by Jay McLeod- Information on tracking students and why they are placed on certain paths; what the "tracked" think about their placements, saying they don't think they are predisposed to failure; it is their own doing, saying they should have "tried harder"