Matthew background
The theme of Matthew is mercy: 1) joseph shows mercy and obedience 2) joseph is righteous because he showed the mercy there are 4 dreams with joseph in the OT, there are 4 dreams with Joseph in the beginning of Matthew 5 discourses 5-7 10 13 18
Chapter 1
When jesus is talked about in relation to Mary is called "son", when he is talked about in relation to Joseph he is called "child" Mary was probably around 13-14 years old when she got engaged to Joseph
Chapter 2
vs 19-20 talk about how Herod died yet "those who wanted to kill" suggest that there as multiple people that wanted the baby Jesus dead vs 23 shows the fifth fulfillment of prophecy after another declaration of who Jesus is/would be, the introduction of John the Baptist happens, who happens to be another person who is against the temple
Chapter 3
Jesus identifies himself with the poor and needy.

there was a good amount of time where he possibly worked in Sephorris cutting stones vs 1- literally says "he appeared" in the wilderness. John and Jesus both call for national repentance. When they say the kingdom is near, they are saying the rule of God is near vs 11- mightier than John connects to chapter 12 in which Satan is described as strong but Jesus is stronger vs 15- first words of Jesus in this Gospel. Jesus mentioned fulfillment which is an important theme in this book vs 16- he is empowered now to go on this mission

chapter 4
vs 23-25- up to this point where he preached, he had only 4 disciples. matthean summary of Jesus and his ministry prior to sermon on the Mt.
chapter 5
Matthew describes righteousness as what Joseph does.

Its not about being justified, but 'right conduct'. "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for doing things the right way, things like Joseph". blessed are those who recognize their need for it vs 7- flows with vs 6 which talks about being merciful. compassion is what we feel, mercy is what we do and show. vs 9- peacemakers most likely doesn't refer to pacifism but relates to relationships

chapter 6
Lord's prayer- meant to be a corporate prayer vs 12 meant to be interpreted by vs 14 verses 14 and 15 are not part of the prayer, they are Jesus interpretation/commentary on the prayer vs 16- its assumed that Christians will fast vs 19- treasures connects to what the Magi layer at Jesus birth vs 24- can you give your possessions away? if you can't, it may be your master vs 25-34: time after time Jesus says not to worry
chapter 7
vs 1- show mercy vs 6- verses 1-5 argue to not be too severe and verse 6 says that you can't be too lenient either though reception history- how the church has received scripture and interpreted in the past some would say that verses 7-11 connect to the verses that precede it. vs 13-29 act as a group.

they come at the end of the sermon on the mount. the sermon started with blessings (beatitudes) and ends with warnings. 24: to build your house on a rock is to obey the teachings of Jesus

chapter 9
vs 5- Jesus heals without touching. up to this point everyone he healed he touched Jesus commands are authoritative. Nature, demons, and people all obey him
chapter 10
Iscariot- "Judas the dagger man' "Judas the assassin" vs8 - Jesus telling them to do things that he has already done. giving them authority to do those things.

you've received this ministry by grace Sodom and Gomorrah are examples of judgment vs 23- "before the Son of Man comes" hunt think its connects to the destruction of the temple

chapter 12
vs 4- priests break the sabbath by not doing the things that needed to get tone in the temple vs 7- mercy is greater than sacrifice, sacrifice is greater than sabbath. therefore mercy is greater than sabbath vs 9- "their synagogue" as opposed to Jesus' Church (chap 13) vs 13- he tells him to stretch out his hand, there was no touching in evolved here vs 14- first mention that the Pharisees wanted to kill Jesus vs 15- Matthew seems to be teaching that when opposition occurs, you flee vs 17-21: the 9th fulfillment. notice the mention of the Gentiles having a part of this. vs 29- refers back to how John the baptist talked about how a stronger one was coming. Here jesus is talking about how he is going to go into the strong man's house and plunder him blaspheming the holy Spirit- saying the work of God is the work of the devil vs 46-49: family obligations are unimportant when compared to the Gospel
chapter 13
In chapter 13 you will find the only two places where Jesus interprets the parables vs 55- carpenter's son should be read as an insult
chapter 15
most would say that the story of the feeding of the 4,000 is a doublet. they would say Jesus only fed the masses once because in oral tradition it took two forms.

Jesus likely had a Gentile audience when he did this based on that he was likely on the eastern shore

chapter 16
pharisees believe in the oral tradition and resurrection of the dead sadducees don't believe in the resurrection, they are also the wealthy aristocrats. verses 2 and 3 are missing in a lot of very good ancient manuscripts. this section is to be read without reading those two verses
chapter 17
vs 1- six days: six days later from what? the transfiguration parallels the passion narrative 3 male disciples (trans), 3 female disciples (passion) up on mountain, up on cross private epiphany, public spectacle supernatural light, supernatural darkness abocata stasis - idea that everything will be restored
chapter 18
vs 1-6: children know they are dependent on their parents for everything vs 10-14: show extravagant kindness to other believers vs 10- guardian angels for the kiddos?
chapter 19
Jesus out rabbi's the Rabbis vs 4- sarcastic insult on Jesus' part male and female- when you look at the earliest part, God made man and woman in his image and goes on to give them both authority, and dominion over the crated order and Jesus may be saying something about their attitude over women only Matthew has the exception clause about divorce do the disciples push the children away because Jesus had just been teaching about being a eunuch and now children come to him? in regards to the rich young ruler, are you going to go away trusting money or are you going to go away trusting God? Judgment in Matthew's gospel will be based on how we treat each other. Each of these commandments are from the second tablet which deal with out interactions with others, not God. Jesus is saying its impossible for a rich person to be dependent on God, its still possible with God for them to be saved.

the richer you are the more difficult it is to be dependent

chapter 20
vs 29-34: the privileged two insiders do the right thing, third party involved when they tried to stop the two from making the request. no order to be quiet, prior to his triumphant entry into jerusalem there was almost always an order to be quiet, the time has come.
chapter 21
vs 17- while in Bethany, Jesus stayed at Lazarus' house vs 18-22: interesting how Mark used this passage. Matthew redacts the material and keeps the same basic message that Mark had. Mark had split the story and put the temple in the middle.
chapter 22
vs 7- alluding to the destruction of the temple that would occur throughout chapter 22 Jesus asks 4 questions, connects to the passover theme that Matthew develops Matthew plays the story of the seven brothers as if it is something that actually happened.

Mark and Luke did not do this the most noted text in matthew is leviticus 19

chapter 26
When jesus had finished saying ALL these things - first time it is said like this Jesus is preparing his disciples for his death 5 different times interesting changes done to this anointing in John's gospel. his gospel it has him getting his feet anointed and he will later wash his disciples and it is 6 days (passion week). Matthew has it 2 days and his head gets anointed. the original matthean community probably knew exactly who this would be about, it was probably anonymous because it could have been a threat to mary had people known about it and she was alive with the church under persecution at the time interesting that Jesus is seemed to have been predestined to be betrayed yet it seems like for Judas it was a decision of free will Matthew and Mark are dark passion narrative stories: no one speaks to him even though he asks questions.

. etc.

chapter 27
Jews didn't have a death penalty so they brought him to the romans everyone in keeps avoiding responsibility verse 8 points to this having been written after some time had passed book started as joseph having dreams, ends with pilate's wife having dreams