Alan Turing
lead to computer sciences by breaking impossible Nazi Code"Think Different" - machines are capable of thinking, probably thinking differently, but are still performing the same as us
The Turing Test
used same tests as Descartes1950would have humans make conversation with a machine and see if the machine would win (speak like a human)
Moore's Law
computers double their complexity every 18 monthsstill reproducing at this rate today
Completely Automated Public Turing test (to tell) Computers (and) Humans Apartsecurity check before Ticketmastercomputers have started to understand
Who created Turing Test?
Alan Turing
Who created Chinese Room Argument?
John Searle
Chinese Room Arugment
points out flaw in Turing Test - it is possible to pass without understanding what is said or heardbook of answers which says response to each statement, just have to look at programming to answer instead of thinkbut does not solve the issue of understanding
Machine Learning
rather than write the program, give examples and allow the machines to come to the conclusion themselves
Which machine played chess in documentary?
Deep Blue
Which machine went on jeopardy, made a movie trailer, and created new recipes?
IBM Watson
Weak (Cautious) AI:
the principle value of the computer in the study of the mind is that it gives us a very powerful toolenables us to formulate and test hypothesis in a more rigorous fashion
Strong AI:
the computer is not merely a tool in the study of the mind, given the right program computers can be literally said to understand and have other cognitive states. the appropriately programmed computer is a mind
Locke's epistemology
simple and complex ideas, sensations and ability to reject on them
Who created the Revised Turing Test?
Gary Marcus
What is the Revised Turing Test?
updated for the 21st centurybuild a computer program that can watch any arbitrary TV program/youtube video and answer questions about its contentquestions focus on when we should laugh/cry or explain why something occurred
Who is the Lovelace Test named after?
Ada Lovelace1943argued that until a machine creates an idea it wasn't designed to, it can't be considered intelligent in the same way humans are
Lovelace Test
a machine can only pass if it originates a "program" it was not engineered to producecannot be hardware fluke, must be result of processes the article agent can produceagent's designers cannot be able to explain the original code that led to new program
What is found with the Lovelace Test?