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Bio Ch1 Vocab

living things are made up of basic units called . . . cells living things are based on a universal. . . code living things grow, develop, and . ….

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World History- semester 2 final exam review

Causes of the french revolution •american revolution •enlightment ideas •divisons •economic problems Enlightenment Age of reason Louis XVI He was the king at the start of the French Revolution; he…

Ch. 19 Margin & Big Picture Questions

In what ways did the Industrial Revolution shape the character of nineteenth century European imperialism? •Need for raw materials found in other parts of the world •Markets to sell goods…

AP Art History Unit 2

Temple of Minerva – 510 BCE Period: Rome, Etruscan Function: worship Material: mud & wood -sculpture on roof, not in pediment -steps & columns are only in front -cella =…

Unit 3 Review - World History

Jean-Jacques Rousseau Political philosopher who argued that government should represent the general will of the people. Baron Charles de Montesqueiu Advocated for a government where power is separated into judicial,…

World History 1 SOL Review, Part 1

Cultural Diffusion The spread of ideas, customs, and technologies from one people to another Homo Sapiens Modern Humans Africa Continent where Homo Sapiens emerged South America Continent where Homo Sapiens…

Modern World History Mid-Term

Otto von Bismarck Chancellor of Prussia from 1862 until 1871, when he became chancellor of Germany. A conservative nationalist, he led Prussia to victory against Austria (1866) and France (1870)…

EMT Orange Book Ch 15

Aneurysm A swelling or enlargement of a part of an artery, resulting from weakening of the arterial wall. Aphasia The inability to understand and or produce speech Aura A sensation…

US History 1 first test (colonies)

Roanoke a failed colony on roanoke island, mysteriously disappeared Jamestown the first successful English colony in the new world (settled in 1607), the capital of Virginia, at first many die…

US History Chapter 19 Test Review

US History Chapter 19 Test Review John Joseph Karsk, February 19, 2014 Reparations Payment by loser for the cost of War expenses and damages Area where heavy fighting occurred in…

AP World History Exam review Vocab

Abraham the founding father of Judaism agriculture the practice of cultivating the land or raising stock Akkadian Empire Began in 2350 BCE when Sargon – King of Akkad – began…

World History Unit 3 Exam Study Guide

What was the effect of the enclosure movement in the 1700’s? The process was used to end some traditional rights, such as mowing meadows for hay, or grazing livestock on…

World History Chapter 13 Study Guide

Second Industrial Revolution Characteristics – steel, chemicals, electricity and petroleum led the way – new products — steel machinery; – electricity for energy and light; – internal combustion engine brought…

AP World History Terms Unit 1

1. prehistory vs. history Prehistory – no written documents; History: written proof of history 2. features of civilization Social etiquette, religion, education, literature 3. stages of hominid development Austrolopithecus, homo…

APUSH ID's Chapter 6

James Wolfe English general, led troops up steep cliff to capture Quebec which marked the beginning on the end of the French/Indian War Robert de la salle Frenchman who followed…

ATI Mental Health Questions

Acute Dystonia A Patient is admitted to the emergency department with spasms of the face and back. He recently began taking Chlorpromazine to treat schizophrenia, Which of the following adverse…

Astronomy Chapter 23 Sorting Task

Although we can divide the history of the universe into many distinct “eras,” sometimes it’s useful just to have a broad perspective on what events occurred in the very early…

videos online

8000 BCE-600 BCE Neolithic revolution domestication of plants and animals leads to surplus of food and denser populations which in turn leads to specializations 8000 BCE 7200 BCE Jericho and…

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