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Ap Art History Art of Near East and Egypt

Statues of Votive Statues Period: Unit 2 Ancient Mediterranean Medium: Gypsum inlaid with shell and black limestone Artist: Unknown Patron: Unknown Date: 2700 B.C.E Location: Sumeria Form: Stylized structure, Function:…

World History Chapter 22 Test:Enlightenment

What was the Geocentric Theory? Aristotle’s and Ptolemy’s belief that the Earth was an immovable object located at the center of the universe What did Christianity teach about the universe?…

Part 1 US HISTORY Crossword Puzzle

Columbium Exchange Exchange of goods between Europe and the Americas Explode The job that Lewis and Clark had in the newly acquired territories Monroe Doctrine Warned Europeans powers not interfere…

Cold War Test--World History

Iron curtain -The imaginary boundary dividing Europe into two separate areas -symbolized efforts by the Soviet Union to block itself and its satellite from open contact with the west and…

AP World History Chapter 20 Test

nation that had the most people emigrate after WW1 russia there were 3 of these, over a period of over 800 years diasporas this migration was the result of religious…

APush Strive for a 5

American Indian culture had a different view of land ownership than did Europeans in that they thought. They owned the use of the land but not the land itself. American…

World History Honors Final Exam Review

white man’s burden belief that Europeans had a moral responsibility to civilize primitive peoples virtu characterized as having vitality or being a “universal man” laissez-faire state should not regulate the…

AP World History: Early Islam

The Civilization of Islam Islam means “submission” became a global civilization through conquest and conversion, a “kingdom of faith,” creating a loosely structured cultural and political empire Arabs lived on…

AP World History Historical Thinking Skills

Crafting Historical Arguments from Historical Evidence: *Argumentation* Can you identify and analyze another writer’s thesis? Can you craft an effective and persuasive thesis of your own? Crafting Historical Arguments from…

Chapter 11 world history study guide

Imperialism A policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries politically, economically, or socially. Occurred throughout most of Africa Boer war Boers where Dutch settlers, to African…

AMSCO AP World History Chapter 2

Tigris and Euphrates Rivers that flow south from modern-day Turkey through what is now Iraq to empty into the Persian Gulf Mesopotamia Greek word meaning “between rivers”, “the cradle of…

Study Guide for Proficiency Exam in Georgia History

Know the capitals of Georgia Savannah, Augusta, Louisville, Milledgeville, and Atlanta. James Oglethorpe (22 December 1696[1] – 30 June 1785) was a British general, Member of Parliament, philanthropist, and founder…

Speech Final Exam

When hiring, employers are most likely influenced by an applicant’s oral communication skills (speaking and listening) In the speech communication process, anything that blocks or hinders the communication of a…

History Ch 16 Lesson 1

a lawmaking body legislature Why did the British decide to tax the 13 colonies? Because Great Britain was deeply in debt. How did the colonists feel about the taxation? They…

AP world history key concept 4.1

peso de ocho silver from the new world was mined into this globally accepted currency that connected major trade systems. first globally used currency. Manila Spanish colony that connected the…

American Government #2

***NOTE*** Federalism is not a fixed principle for allocating power between the national and state governments, but rather a principle that has changed over time in response to political needs…

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