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A View from the Bridge Act 1

Alfieri is a character in the play, but he is also a kind of narrator. He sees what is going on better than the other characters, speaks directly to the…

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Leopold Readings and summaries

Foreword”Conservation is getting nowhere because it is incompatible with our Abrahamic concept of land.”SeptemberThe Coral Copse- Copse: A small group of trees. The coral copse is a reference to the…

AASP 471 Final Exam

Main Characters in The Autobiography of an Ex Colored ManPlot of Autobiography of an Ex Colored ManDid the protagonist fit the bill for a tragic mullato in TAECM? Explain.What was…

Test 2 sonnet summary

Amoretti, Sonnet 1 SpencerThis sonnet is about him writing a poem to his love. The poem will be pleased when her hands touch it. It entails her feelings of reading…

GENG 260 Texts

People changed signs from time to time, but *** never did and neither did I. Actually my sign didn’t make sense without ***’s. “And so do children what?” one of…

Biology: Chapter 20 Summary Notes

sarcodines- Amoebas and other organisms that use pseudopodia for movement and obtaining food are classified in the phylum SarcodinasarcodinesAmoebas obtain food by surrounding it with pseudopodia and forming a vacuole….

midterm flashcards

Shanty Town Kid authorAzouz Begagshanty town kid settinglyon, second largest french city, 1960sAzouz Begag’s parents born inAlgeriaword used to identify 2nd gen north africansbeurYemmaSTK, mother of the authorBouzidSTK, father of…

Kincaid, Adnan, Ibuse, Oda, Ota, Hayashi

Character: Narrator/Kincaid- Author: Jamaica Kincaid- Title: A Small Place- Notes: resentful of the English and French, of colonialismCharacter: Deaf Mute Children- Author: Etel Adnan- Title: Sitt Marie Rose- Notes: A…

Devil's Arithmetic Chapters 5-7

He is afraid of getting married, but not being married to Fayge.What does Shmuel admit to Hannah the next morning, the day of his wedding?They think her illness affected her…

The Deerslayer (by James Fenimore Cooper)

This selection is set inthe New York colony in the 1740’sBased on the setting description, Cooper may be siad toconsider nature to be noble and pureThe nickname “Deerslayer” refers toNatty…

English poems

In the stories to be told in “The Song of Hiawatha” are taken from what sources?Native American LegendsWhat is the summary of the prologue to “The Song of Hiawatha”?The prologue…

Final lol

MedeaEuripides4th Century BCEAncient Greek TragedyLONG MonologuesSecond Shepherd’s PlayThe Wakefield Master17th CenturyMystery/Cycle PlayMiddle EnglishRhyming SchemeShort Lines, maximum 7 wordsEverymanAnonymous16th CenturyMorality PlayEnglishRhyming/old englishTartuffeMoliere17th CenturyNeoclassical ComedyFrance12 Syllable Rhyming CoupletsThe RoverAphra BehnLate 17th CenturyRestoration…

War Horse Chapter 5

disciplinea system of rules of conduct or method of practicecumbersomeheavy and awkward to carry or wear; burdensome; Ex. cumbersome parcel/uniforminfuriatedto make furious; enrageinstinctivelywithout thinking; in a way that is natural,…

Deus Caritas Est (God is Love) NG

Why is love not a sentiment?1) response engages our will and our intellect2) lasts- endures longer than a fleeting emotion/ feeling3) awakens within us a response4) response/ encounter is always…

The grave ss test

CharactersMiranda PaulDadSettingGraveyardAn actual graveForestCountry side1903FlashbackPlot summaryThe siblings find a ring and a dove in a grave that symbolize something. Paul kills a rabbit that’s pregnant and Miranda realizes that her…

holes ch. 8-7

how do we know that stanley is not accustomed to hard phyisical work?his hands are soft and fleshy rather than callousewhy might xray have preffered a shorter shovel?his hole wouldnt…

Othello Act 4, scene 3

LodovicoHis presence is used to set the tone of the scene–he is the voice of Venice.OthelloOthello is still the acting authority in Cyprus.DesdemonaShe is very concerned about how she is…

Literature "Barrio Boy"

reassuringadj – having the effect of restoring confidencecontraptionnoun – strange device or machineBarrionoun – part of a town or city where most of the people are Hispanicsformidableadj – impressivemenacenoun -…

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