Amoretti, Sonnet 1 Spencer
This sonnet is about him writing a poem to his love. The poem will be pleased when her hands touch it. It entails her feelings of reading his sorrows in the book, and he only wishes to please her
Amoretti, Sonnet 75 Spencer
A quarrel between lovers as the man writes her name in the sand. She deems it to his vanity as her name is erased, he believes their love is infinite.

Sonnet 1, Astrophil & Stella, Sidney
A man is trying to write his love for a woman by looking at other's definitions of love. He ends it by being a fool and he should look into his own heart.
Shakespeare, Sonnet 18
Compares a woman's beauty to a summer's day
Shakespeare, sonnet 29
He is comparing himself to other men and becoming jealous. The fact that he has love should be enough fulfillment.
Shakespeare, sonnet 73
A crisis about growing older
Shakespeare, sonnet 116
A poem about marriage and the vanities of false love