"The Yellow Bus"
Written by: Dennis Banks When:1940's Summary: Highlights the theme colonization of the mind by telling of Banks' difficulties and acculturation attempts in boarding schools.
"Squaw Drudge"
Written by:David Smits When:1982 Summary:tries to dispel image of Native man as lazy and woman as overworked.

Started by European men as a way to justify colonization of this "backwards" society.

Written by:Blackhawk/interpretor When:1830's Summary:tells the story of the Siouk tribe and the many broken treaties with the U.S. government they experienced. Ultimately comapares the Siouk notion of land as something given by the Great Spirit for subsistence to that of colonization for profit.
"Education for Extinction"
Written by:David Adams When: late 1800's Summary: Looked at different ways in which children exhibited passive vs.

acitve resistance in boarding schools.

"Peopling the Land"
By:Nichols When:Doesn't matter Summary: Discusses ways in which people come to be, the Bering Strait/DNA theories vs.Taos/Huron creation stories.
By:Ella Deloria When: Mid 19th century Summary:Tells story of Dakota lifestyle in particular kinship(especially maternal) /reciprocity relationships and the "hunka" custom.
"You'll Never Believe What Happened"
By:Thomas King When:irrelevant Summary: Compares Genesis and the story of Charm and her search for a root to cure her pregnancy cravings leading to the discovery of dry land. Uses the distinction between Genesis as an autocratic reading and Charm as a humble one to highlight the differences between our subsequent societal views.

"First Encounters"
By:Nancy Shoemaker When:irrelevant Summary:The judgements NA and Europeans imposed on each other upon first contact. Europeans using their ideas that the NA were savage to justify colonization and the NA using thier ideas that the Europeans were brutes to justify uncooperative attitudes.
"The Pocahontas Perplex"
By:Rayna Green When:irrelevant started with Pocahonatas in 1700's Summary: Fights the idea that an Indian woman can only either be a sqaw or an indian princess; a difficult ultimatium for Indian women to live up to.
"Nature of Conquest"
By:Phil Deloria When: irrelevant Summary: focused on NA and changing environment in colonial expansion era.

NAs lost land to domestic animals. Attacked also the idea that NAs were "First Environmentalists" as anachronistic and explained their subsistence ways logically rather than harmonically.

"The Indian and the Rise of an American Art and Literature"
By:Robert Berkhofer When:irrelevant Summary: Native americans were used to symbolize land and Noble Savage image by people such as James Fenimore Cooper.
"The Language We Know"
By:Simon Ortiz When:1960's Summary: Relates tradition and culture to language and literature.

Obviously recognized by colonizers as they were forbidden to speak their languages. To speak is to exist, he argues.

"Black Elk Speaks"
By:Patricia Riley When: 1889 Summary:Ghost dance attempts end in Wounded Knee.
"Violence: The Killings at Lightning Creek"
By:Phil Deloria When: 1903 Summary:Describes life after Wounded Knee, some despising the government and others working as cultural ambassadors. Term outbreak used for any action after Wounded Knee including the killings at Lightning Creek which they imposed to justify their actions.
"The Fighting Braves of Michigamua"
By:Patrick LeBeau When:irrelevant Summary:UofM fraternity takes Native American mascot/representations too far.
"Rosebuds of the Plateau"
By:Rayna Green When:Irrelevant Summary: Picture represents attitude that was never lost among Native Americans: that they were changed but still in control.
"Like a Hurricane"
By: Paul Chaat Smith and Robert Allen Warrior