In Search of the Next Harvest
Guillermina Gina Nunez; moved around with family working the seasonal crops, white children through rocks at her and siblings, never felt like she had a true homeland..

still waits to find a place that she feels 'rooted'

Reflections on Diversity Among Chicanas
Patricia Zavella; how the breakdown of classifying people of Hispanic dissent; traditional culture has made woman try and fit into already set ideals;categorizaiton
The Ethnic Test: Who is a Real Chicana
Gloria Anzaldua; interviewed woman on what they thought made them Chicana; people judged on who is most 'real'
Voicing Chicana Feminisms: Young Women Speak Out on Sexuality and Identity
Aido Hurtado; woman interviews Hispanic females to compare and contrast their lives, personal versus social identity
racial Formation
Omi and Winant; use of race in public policy, definition of race as a concept of classification,
Gender Diversity: Crosscultural Variations
Serena Nanda; key theme of sex versus gender, how euro world views male female roles, and sexual orientation
Multiple Genders among North American Indians
Serena Nanda; Native Ameri more fluid sense of sexuality, 'Berdache',3 or 4 genders: men, women, male variants, female variants,
Sexual Violence in the Politics and Policies of Conquest
Antonia Castaneda; Junipero Serra spoke about the rape and abuse of native women by Spanish soldiers, abuse was hurting the spread of Catholicism and nothing was being done to control it,
Las Soldaderas
Elena Poniatowska; women who fought in the Mexican Revolution, soldiers would bring wives with them so wives could take care of the men, if man had no wife he would steal women as he traveled and fought,
Victoria Reid and the Politics of Identity
Maria Raquel Casas; native woman Victoria Barolomea married eropean Hugo Reid at San Gabriel mission, when Hugo died Vic had control over land, was swindled out of land by Jim McKinley, had risen to Dona but died a Sqaw
Danger! Children at Play
Maria Herrera Sobek; patriarchal ideology in songs and games, kids games and songs are literary texts, present women in bad light
Caminando con la Llorona
Domino Renee Perez; story of La Llorona ( weeping/wailing woman), dies of lonliness, threatening story told to frighten kids to behave
La Malinche
Rafael G. Castro; sold into slavery, became Cortes translator, she told Cortes about a surprise attack that saved him but ended up killing a ton of indians, 'defamation of her character is equal to the denigration of Chicanas'
A Historic Figure is Still Hated by Many in Mexico
Clifford Krauss; Cortes' Indian Traitor mistress ' root of much of the disdain Mexican men display toward Mexican women' ' all that is wrong with Mexico' La Malinche's
Growing Up Female
Aida Hurtado; strict dating guidlines, family's honored was tied to girl's virginity, menstraution and bc were not discussed
La Quinceanera
Karen Mary Davalos; gender and ethnic identities, represents girl's becoming a woman, been Americanized, was banned because of what it represented/cath church didn't support it
Listening to the Silences in Latina/Chicana Lesbian Culture
Yolanda Chaves Leyva; 'what silences held within them','complexity of silence' depends on family but urgency of needing lesbians to speak out
Chicanas and the issue of involuntary sterilization: reforms needed to protect informed consent
Antonia Hernandez; gave women's interviews about how they had been tricked and forced into having their tubes tied, laws that were put in place to help, but the aim of stopping chicana reproduction
Lupe's Song
Deena J Gonzalez; horrific song sang nowadays, represents how woman are still held down by male traditions
born and raised in Mexico, primarily identifies with Mexico
woman of both Mexican and American ethnic heritage
time period of Salt of the Earth
1950-51 Miner's strike in New Mexico
Heroine Esperanza
- main character in SofE; loves her radio, has two children and new baby; husband Ramon rules her conservatively
waves of Mexican Immigration
1910-30 : fleeing Mex revolution, came to fam already in America, Mex American War 1931-34: Mexican's blamed for Great Depression 'repatriated' 1941-45 : labor issued, many came to work, needed more people in labor force bc of war
anatomy, Male or Feminine sexual organs
the social characteristics identifying a person as masculine or feminine in a given place and time
constructed and hierarchical social relations subordinating women to men
the commingling of social influence in personal experience and/or social outcomes
policy of extending a country's power and influence upon others through diplomacy or military force
encounter with difference, with 'otherness'
hierarchical group relations established through violence
hierarchical relations via construction of 'common sense' norms and practices
capacity to make choices and to act upon those choices, an achievement not a trait, can be aided or thwarted by circumstances