Edict of Milan: year?
Edict of Milan: summary?
Emperors Constantine and Licinius agreed to tolerate Christianity along with other religions that they determined to restore the properties that the Church had lost under Emperor Diocletian
Eusebius, The History of the Church: year?
c. 325
Esebius, The History of the Church: summary?
A summary of the progress of the Church from the time of Christ to the present (when The History was written)
The Nicaean Creed: year?
The Nicaean Creed: summary?
The declaration by the first "ecumenical" council stating that the Son was of the "same substance" as the Father and this not subordinate
Augustine, The City of God: year?
Augustine, The City of God: summary?
St. Augustine of Hippo wrote a book about the 2 cities: the City of God and the City of Man.

If stated that the life of man on earth is a pilgrimage to the City of God. ***Was written in response to the sack of Rome by the Visigoths under King Alaric in 410.

The Benedictine Rule: year?
c. 540
The Benedictine Rule: summary?

Benedict (d.c. 547) wrote a rule for monks and monastic life

Athanasius, Life of St. Antony of Egypt: year?
Athanasius, Life of St. Antony of Egypt: summary?
The first "saint's biography;" it depicted Antony's early life without parents, his seriousness of vocation, his devotion to his religion, etc.

(remember that this guy lived out in the desert and fought demons on a daily basis and stuff).

Venatius Fortunatus, The Life of St. Radegund: year?
before c. 600
Venatius Fortunatus, The Life of St. Radegund: summary?
Radegund was a very holy woman who founded and retired to a monastery at Poitiers known as Holy Cross. She was very pious, charitable, and ascetic.

The Council of Orleans: year?
The Council of Orleans: summary?
30 bishops from Gaul met at the request of King Clovis and together they strengthened the position of the bishops over other clerics and religious
Bede, The Ecclesiastical History of the English People: year?
Bede, The Ecclesiastical History of the English People: summary?
Bede, an extremely educated man, wrote a history of the church and emphasized Roman contribution. It included biblical commentaries, the lives of saints, liturgical works, sermons, scientific texts, and histories.
Penitential of Finnian (optional reading): year?
Late 6th cent
Penitential of Finnian (optional reading): summary?
A list of sins and the penances due for them (tariffs) as a matter of regular religious discipline
Letters to Boniface: year?
Letters to Boniface: summary?
A series of letters sent to Boniface, a well-educated monk who focused on reforming the church. In the 1st letter, Charles Martel offers him protection> In the 2nd, Gregory II commends him to the Thuringians, whose Christianization he does not recognize. In the 3rd, the pope instructs Boniface on particular matters of Christian practice.

The Donation of Constantine: year?
The Donation of Constantine: summary?
A forged document that depicted Constantine's conversion to Christianity after being baptized and cured of leprosy by a bishop. He then pledged all of his power to protecting Pope or something.
Anonymous, Once Again my Burdened Anchor: year?
early 9th c.
Anonymous, Once Again my Burdened Anchor: summary?
A poem about Charlemagne saving Pope Leo
The Admonitio Generalis: year?
The Admonitio Generalis: summary?
A series of reforms that Charlemagne made to his kingdom so that he could govern his kingdom according to the laws of God. ***Note: this was BEFORE he was crowned emperor.
Double Capitulary of Thionville for the missi: year?
Double Capitulary of Thionville for the missi: summary?
A series of reforms that Charlemagne made to his empire; it also gave instruction for his missi,the pairs of men (a bishop and a layman) who went out to solve problems and settle disputes.

***Note: this was AFTER he was crowned emperor.

Cluny's Foundation Charter (year?) and other various charters of donation (year?)
910; 10th-11th c.
Cluny's Foundation Charter and other various charters of donation: summary?
People gave land, etc. to the monastery Cluny in order to save their souls.

Cluny was started by William of Aquitaine.

Agreements between Count William of Aquitanians and Hugh of Lusignan: year?
Agreements between Count William of Aquitanians and Hugh of Lusignan: summary?
Basically, William is Hugh's lord, and William keeps promising Hugh things (protection, land, backing, whatever) and never follows through.
The "Older Life" of Queen Mathilda: year?
The "Older Life" of Queen Mathilda: summary?
Mathilda was a very holy, good woman who was charitable, etc. much like Radegund.